Commentary from Judge Tiras

September 17, 2021

There is movement underway by Washoe County which, if concluded, I believe would likely lead to the elimination of the Court in Incline Village or, at best, the moving of the Courtroom functions to Reno with a satellite office of that Court here in Incline Village.

The Justice Court of Incline Village-Crystal Bay township (commonly known as the Incline Justice Court) has been in existence for over 40 years. The Court is presently located in the Center Point building in rented space. The lease on the space used by the Court expires on September 30, 2021. The owner of the building has decided to sell the building and made a business decision not to enter into any long-term leases which may encumber the property. We were notified of the impending expiration in late June 2021. We understand and respect her decision and do not affix any blame on her for this. In an effort to reduce the impact on the Court, the owner has offered a one-year lease to allow the Court and County an opportunity to find other space and make other arrangements.

On September 21, 2021 beginning at 10:00a.m., the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners will meet and decide whether to execute what is, in essence, a lease extension offered by the landlord.

Plain and simple – if the Board of County Commissioners does not approve the lease extension, the Court may not have a local facility from which to operate and unless space can be found in another local county building, I believe it is very likely that a Court located in Incline Village will cease to exist.

Washoe County Commissioner, Alexis Hill, has been a strong supporter of the Court and is doing her best for us. Regrettably we understand that other Commission members have expressed opposition to the lease extension and have discussed plans to eliminate the local Court. Even if elimination of the Court is being considered, that decision should require appropriate stakeholder input in noticed, public and open forums which have not taken place. We’ve had only a few weeks to find out what may be happening and to react. Approval of the lease extension would, at least give the Court and the community the time and an opportunity to participate in a meaningful way.

Please contact the County Commissioners and let them know your thoughts on this matter before their meeting on September 21. Please feel free to pass this information and request on to others as well. This may be the only opportunity we have to communicate our position.

Chairman Bob Lucey

Commissioner Vaughn Hartung

Commissioner Jeannie Herman

Commissioner Alexis Hill

Commissioner Kitty Jung

Or, if sending an email to all 5 Commissioners

Best personal regards,

E. Alan Tiras

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