Comments From Constable Keller Regarding Upcoming Actions by WC Commissioners

December 10, 2021

Constable Keller’s posting to the community follows:

I received a visit from the Washoe County Manager’s office yesterday (December 8, 2021).  Manager, Eric Brown, was kind enough to come to my office in person to advise me that the Washoe County Board of Commissioners (the “BCC”) will be considering a proposal to permanently eliminate the Incline Village Constable’s Office at the upcoming BCC meeting on next Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 10:00 AM. 

As a result of Manager Brown’s meeting I regrettably felt compelled to urgently contact you regarding this matter and to request your help.

As many of you know, and for some who don’t, the Constable’s Office is an integral part of the community and the Incline Village-Crystal Bay Township Justice Court (the “Court”) and works hand-in-hand with the Court to serve our local community.

It was disheartening to receive this news only 5 days prior to the date of the BCC meeting, particularly when finding out that this matter has likely been under consideration by the County for months (the Staff Report on this item is dated November 10, 2021 and it normally takes some time for staff to research and report on matters such as this).   To be clear, until yesterday, no-one from the County has communicated anything about this with me or my office.  In conferring with Judge E. Alan Tiras from Incline Justice Court, he related that this was news to him as well.   In fact, the Agenda containing this item was only posted up this morning.

There has been no discussion about this agenda item with the two departments most severely impacted by a potential elimination of this office and, most importantly, there has been no discussion with the Incline Village community.  No debate.

If elimination of the Constable’s Office is being considered, that decision should only be made upon appropriate department and community input in noticed, public and open forums which have not taken place.  If, after such input and deliberation, a decision is made to eliminate the Constable’s Office, then so be it.  It will be a decision that I may not agree with, but at least I can respect the process.  At this time, we’ve only had hours to react. 

You may have received a similar communication as this from Judge Tiras at the Court in September.  I believe this is just more of the same type of political shenanigans.

Since time is of the essence, I am turning to Social Media to get the word out (please spread the word).   If you agree that this quick and hasty process should be reconsidered by our Board of County Commissioners, please contact the commissioners directly at their contact email address listed below.  I have also provided, below, a link to the BCC agenda item (No. 33) which includes the link to the supporting staff report “Attachments” on this item.

Please contact the County Commissioners and let them know your thoughts prior to their meeting on December 14.  This may be the only opportunity you have to communicate your position.  If you are able, please join me at the BCC meeting. 

If you reach out to the BCC, may I suggest you add “Incline Constable, Agenda Item #33” to your email subject line.  

The Commissioner’s email addresses are:

BCC Chairman Bob Lucey (

Commissioner Vaughn Hartung (  

Commissioner Alexis Hill (

Commissioner Kitty Jung (

Commissioner Jeannie Herman (

Or, if sending an email to all 5 Commissioners (

The BCC Agenda can be found by clicking here. (scroll to item No. 33)

Please contact me should you have any questions.  Thank you for your consideration.

Hans R. Keller – Constable, Incline Village Crystal Bay

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