More Rezoning by Washoe County on Agenda

February 19, 2024

At tomorrow’s meeting, February 20th, there are a few agenda items of interest to the community. To view the agenda and information on where and how to provide public comment, click to visit our calendar page.

The agenda items with interest to our community include the following:

Agenda Item 6: Presentation by members of the Tahoe Destination Stewardship Council (Devin Middlebrook, TRPA; Nettie Pardue, Destination Stewardship Council; Amy Berry, Tahoe Fund) to discuss the new Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Council and the County’s participation and support of the plan.

Consent Item 9.J.1. Recommendation to accept Treasurer’s status report for the period ending January, 2024, of payment of refunds and interest since last update in the amount of $22,525.41 on certain property tax overpayments for residential properties at Incline Village/Crystal Bay, in compliance with the October 21, 2019 Order issued by the District Court.

Agenda Item 19. Public Hearing – Rezoning of the Wood Creek Regulatory zone to add “Schools – Kindergarten through Secondary” as a permitted use, subject to a special use permit, on those parcels in size equal to, or greater than, three-acres.

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