Potential Zoning Change Approval – From Affordable Housing to High End Condos

December 8, 2022

The TRPA and Washoe County Tahoe Area Plans currently restrict the commercial Town Centers to affordable and/or multi-family (apartment) dwelling units. TRPA increased the allowable height, density, and reduced coverage in the Town Center areas around the Tahoe Basin in an effort to entice workforce and/or affordable housing. The proposed change will remove the limitation of affordable and/or workforce housing and allow high-end condominium developers to benefit from the increased height, density and reduced coverage. The proposed zoning change states “Single family dwellings (condominiums) shall only be allowed in the Incline Village Commercial regulatory zone when they are part of a mixed-use development or when they are affordable housing units”. During the Planning Commission meeting on November 1st, there was much confusion as to how the proposed project at 947 Tahoe Boulevard meets the mixed-use requirement. There appeared to be no definition of ‘mixed-use’. This zoning change is required to allow the proposed project at 947 Tahoe Boulevard to move forward, however there is some confusion on its compliance as a mixed-use development.

The Washoe County Planning Commission, at their meeting on November 1st, unanimously approved modifying the zoning for the Incline Village Town Center Special Area 1 to allow for single family condominiums. The area impacted by the change, shown on the map as SA1, can be viewed on the map by clicking here. The proposed change will come before the Washoe County Commissioners for its first reading on Tuesday, December 13th. Click here to view agenda item 21 and view the provided staff report and a number of other relevant documents.

Based on review, it appears the proposed 947 development plans would need to modified to comply as a mixed-use development. The concern about proposed zoning change is the potential negative impact to commercial business areas being converted to condominiums while not addressing the needs for affordable and/or workforce housing.

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