Town Center – Hello High End Condos Goodbye Affordable Housing?

October 26, 2022

The Washoe County Planning Commission will be meeting on November 1st at 6 p.m. in the County Commissioner’s Chambers to review and potentially approve the Amendment to the Incline Village Town Center Special Area 1, the map maybe viewed below, to allow single family condominiums where the zoning currently has housing limited to affordable and workforce housing. This change would then allow the TRPA higher density, increased height and reduced coverage changes, intended to be an incentive for affordable and workforce housing, to be used for the construction of high-end condominiums in our Town Center area (map below).

The agenda may be found here. The staff report and recommendations may be found here.

The findings, for which there are no supporting documentation in the staff attached report and for which we view to be inaccurate representations, are highlighted below:

 1. Consistency with Master Plan. The proposed amendment is in substantial compliance with the policies and action programs of the Washoe County Master Plan;

2. Promotes the Purpose of the Development Code. The proposed Development Code amendment will not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare, and will promote the original purposes for the Development Code as expressed in Article 918, Adoption of Development Code; 

3. Response to Changed Conditions. The proposed Development Code amendment responds to changed conditions or further studies that have occurred since the Development Code was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, and the requested amendment allow for a more desirable utilization of land within the regulatory zones; and

4. No Adverse Effects. The proposed Development Code amendment will not adversely affect the implementation of the policies and action programs of the Conservation Element or the Population Element of the Washoe County Master Plan.  

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please write the Washoe County Commissioners and the Washoe County Planning Commission at the email addresses below:

Washoe County Commissioners:
Planning Commission District 1: (The Incline Village/Crystal Bay District) Planning Commission District 2: (she will need to recuse herself due to her IVGID involvement)
Planning Commission District 3:
Planning Commission District 4:
Planning Commission District 5:
At-Large Planning Commission Member:
At-Large Planning Commission Member:

Incline Village Town Center, including Special Area 1, map:

Washoe County Code related to the Town Centers:

Should this be approved, it is then anticipated to be before the County Commissioners on December 13th for a 1st Reading and in January for a 2nd reading before being sent to TRPA for approval.

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