WCBCC to Modify the Tahoe Area Plan and allow ADUs

November 9, 2023

At their meeting on Tuesday, November 14th, the Board of County Commissioners are anticipated to move forward with Envision Washoe 2040 which includes modifications of the Tahoe Area Plan.

Agenda item #27 is to begin implementing the Envision Washoe 2040 Master Plan. The subjects for prioritization for which staff is requesting Board input are as follows: (1) County-wide affordable housing initiatives; (2) resources to implement Envision Washoe 2040; (3) public noticing; (4) Tahoe Area Plan; (5) Warm Springs ground water rights dedications; and, (6) indicators for measuring Envision Washoe 2040 Master Plan achievement. The new Washoe County interface is not easy to navigate, however the link to their website to view the agenda item materials may be accessed here.

Agenda item #28 is to amend the Washoe County Development Code to reduce permitting requirements and provide greater flexibility in establishing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs); creating a definition, standards, and potential incentives for construction of “junior” ADUs. The item is #28 on the agenda which may be accessed here. The following information is taken directly from the staff report pertaining to Incline Village/Crystal Bay:

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA): TRPA is in the process of designing density, coverage, and height incentives for achievable housing projects located in town centers within the Tahoe Basin. These are expected to be finalized in early
2024 for jurisdictions to implement after they are adopted by TRPA. Should the County enact these changes, they would be applicable to the Incline Village and Crystal Bay area only. NOTE: the changes being considered include allowing for buildings up to 65′ in height (up from 56′) with 100% coverage of a parcel (up from 70%) and NO minimum parking spaces (0 parking spaces required; down from 2.25 per unit) in Town Center areas (click here to see the town center map). In areas zoned as multi-family, the change would allow buildings up to 42′ (up from 36′) with 70% allowed coverage (up from 30%) and a minimum requirement of .75 parking spaces per unit (down from 2.25 per unit). In transition zones, the change would allow buildings up to 53′ (up from 42′) with 70% allowed coverage (up from 30%) and a minimum requirement of .75 parking spaces per unit (down from 2.25).

Tahoe Prosperity Center (TPC): The TPC presented the Washoe-Tahoe Housing Partnership’s (funded in part by Commissioner Hill discretionary allocations of Washoe County funds) Housing Roadmap to the Board for acknowledgement in July 2023. The roadmap included a series of recommendations for Washoe County to consider related to the affordable and workforce housing shortage in the Incline Village/Crystal Bay area, including a recommendation to place a cap on short-term rentals, allowances for Accessory Dwellings Units (ADUs) in the Tahoe Basin (currently prohibited on parcels smaller than 1 acre), defining mixed use standards, reducing discretionary permit requirements in certain circumstances, offering density/coverage/parking incentives and priority processing for affordable housing projects. These recommendations will be considered as part of the Tahoe Area Plan amendment process.

Tahoe Area Plan amendment: There are a series of potential housing-related changes being considered for the Tahoe planning area. These amendments would be completed through a separate process subject to conformance review by TRPA. As the process is distinct and subject to a significantly longer timeframe, they are not included here. The Tahoe Area Plan amendment is referenced separately as part of the Master Plan implementation/prioritization agenda item heard today by the Board (Item #27).

To view the entire agenda, you may click here and search for the meeting on November 14th and then click to view the agenda. This is their new system for accessing agendas, materials and for providing written public comment. We find this interface to be less than user friendly, so feel free to experience it yourself. You may attend the meeting to provide public comment or you may express your thoughts and suggestions at Washoe County’s new method for public comment at:


To read an opinion piece published by a resident of Incline Village, click the link below:


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