Winter Preparedness

At the October 3rd Incline Village/Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting, Washoe County staff presented a comprehensive and informative presentation on winter preparedness. Rather than attempt to highlight the information, a link has been provided below to...

IVGID Candidate Forum

There was a significant turnout at the Chateau on October 13th for the IVGID Candidate Forum. Thank you to the candidates for their time, to the IVCB Community Forum team for organizing the event, for the moderation of the meeting by John Crockett, and for IVCBA...

Cannabis Lounges – Moving Forward by Washoe County

Today, October 11th, the Washoe County Commissioners, in a 3-2 vote in favor by Commissioners Hill, Jung, and Lucey, approved initiating amendments to County Code regarding cannabis lounges in unincorporated Washoe County including Incline Village/Crystal Bay....