Chair Callicrate called for a moment of silence in memory of long time Public Works employee, Bob Lockridge.
Public Comment – several members of the public commented on activities regarding the Mountain Golf Course cart path replacement project.
GM Update
General Manager Winquest reported that the Ordinance 7 Committee had taken a straw poll on a number of proposed revisions and will be having a special meeting in the next month to draft a list to provide to the Board of Trustees. He has also met with the Army Corps of Engineers in hopes of a positive response to IVGID’s request for a Special Use Permit for a dog park at USFS property across from Incline High School in about 3 months. Additionally, he indicated that he will continue to investigate the matter brought up in public comment regarding the Mountain Golf Cart Path installation.
Long Range Calendar
Trustee Schmitz offered to bring a draft Trustee Handbook to the Board, if that was a priority. It will be placed on the December 8th agenda.
Remaining meetings in 2021 are scheduled for October 26th, November 10th and December 8th.
Reports to the Board
Treasurer’s report – Treasurer Michaela Tonking commented on Chart of Accounts revisions to allow improved financial reporting as part of the Tyler software implementation.
Report from Finance Director Paul Navazio. – Fourth quarter budget update: Both revenues and expenses were considerably lower than budgeted. No significant net change in fund balance is anticipated. Trustee Schmitz asked that reports more clearly indicate the bottom line since the Facility Fee was included as revenue. Director Navazio agreed with her observation that showing a negative “Facility Fee” in Ski was confusing. He suggested the use of a transfer from Ski to receiving funds would be more appropriate.
Popular CIP status report.
Director of Finance, Paul Navazio, presented the report for the 4th quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. Board members asked that the report include definitions of terms indicating status such as “delayed”, “postponed”, “in process”. Additionally, staff needs to be familiar with how to assign status. Director Navazio agreed with Trustee Schmitz that the report had not been updated to completely reflect project status’ and that he would update the report for the Board.
General Business
The Board unanimously approved $8,000 Mathis Group Pre-Contract Board and Executive Team Interviews Proposal with a request to seek a lesser fee for possible Zoom rather than in-person interviews.
General Manager’s Performance Evaluation/Contract revisions
GM Winquest received overall “Exceeds requirements” rating from Trustees Callicrate, Wong and Tonking and “Meets requirements” from Trustees Schmitz and Dent. In addition to a recent cost of living increase, the Board approved a 3% salary increase to his current contract rate of $200,850. Trustees Callicrate, Wong and Tonking also expressed support for extending the GM’s contract. There were language issues with the contract extension that needed to be revised to comply with NRS. The extension language was requested to be updated by legal counsel and brought back before the Board. There was no response, other than GM Winquest stating that he had not made the request, when Trustee Schmitz asked who had requested the extension.
Finalized documents will be prepared by General Counsel, Josh Nelson for Board approval at the next meeting.
Special legal counsel for matters related to the beach deed, ordinance 7 revisions
By a 4-1 vote (Wong opposing) the Board approved a scope of work for special legal counsel related to the beach deed and authorized the General Manager to execute a contract with counsel not-to-exceed $25,000. Trustee Schmitz will work with District Counsel, Josh Nelson and GM Winquest to select an attorney. This action could also provide the groundwork for a judicial confirmation action, should the Board decide to pursue that course.
Strategic Plan – The Board unanimously approved, with minor revisions to the draft presented, its Strategic Plan. Trustee Dent reminded GM Winquest that a 20 year CIP should be developed. Trustee Schmitz indicated the need to include emphasis on staff training in internal controls. She also asked about the lack of a records retention schedule/policy initiative.
Policy 15.1.0 (Audit Committee Charter) was discussed. Additional comments have been received, but need to be organized so that the remaining points of disagreement can be resolved. Trustee Tonking agreed to provide the Board Clerk with a document for consideration that clearly identifies those areas where opinions differ.
Policy 16.1.1 (Recreation Roll Policy)
GM Winquest listed a number of issues that have come up in the Ordinance 7 Committee investigations. Committee members and members of the public have questioned whether facility fees should be assessed to unbuildable lots and commercial properties thereby granting beach access and other privileges. Does the 1982 decision to stop assessing fees to hotel rooms make sense? Under what conditions should a parcel be exempt? Trustee Schmitz brought up the double negative language of the policy in that it states unbuildable lots are to be excluded, yet they have been included in the Recreation Roll for many years. She also brought up a concern that unbuildable lots are permitted to petition to be added/removed from the Recreation Roll and pointed out how this special handling for a specific type of parcel should not be permitted. She suggested all parcels should be treated equally.
He suggested the special counsel could consider these and other related matters.