Land Entitlements: Planners Trevor Lloyd and Chris Bronczyk
The Board of Adjustment approved a request (4-1) for a Major Grading Special Use Permit (WSUP21-0035). That approval was appealed by three appellants. The public hearing is on the County Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for March 22, 2022. The agenda may be accessed here. The agenda item is item is item 16. This item is expected to be heard at 2:00 p.m. or later. The staff presentation will be completed by Assistant County Manager Dave Solaro. The primary intent of the presentation will be the process and intent of a Major Grading Special Use permit and to introduce the appeal process to the board. The board may take two actions the first is on standing for each of the appellants and the second is based on the content of their argument.
Please note: Washoe County CSD staff will provide applicants and appellants the process for submitting additional materials and ensuring that presentations are available at the BCC meeting. Washoe County 311 will be providing all public comment on this item to the county clerk. To submit general public comment, please request residents submit to directly or to call (775) 328-2003 or 3-1-1.
Public Outreach
- Washoe County Office of the County Manager – Communications staff is supporting transparent communication by working directly with media. The intent is to ensure current review processes are clear. Staff will reach out to interested reporters next week to discuss process for special use permits and appeals to the Board of County Commissioners. Please see the attached letter provided to applicants and appellants outlining the process for reference.
Building Permits: Kory Paholke and Dan Holly
- The applicant has submitted for demolition and grading permits. Staff will provide a summary and naming convention of building permits following the public hearing. Please note, timing of final approvals is dependent on the March 22 appeal.
- Requests by staff are in to the applicant for additional information on buildings.
Regional Partners: Paul Nielson
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency is meeting with the applicant regarding discussions on their permitting process. Staff will follow up on the status after the March 22 hearing.
Construction Activity: Applicant
- Current construction on site is limited to demolition and asbestos remediation.
Upcoming events: Applicant
- Per the applicant, they are working toward a neighborhood meeting on March 28th.