Amy Cummings of Parametrix presented the Washoe County’s Tahoe Transportation Plan for Incline Village/Crystal Bay Process and Outcomes.  The public is requested to complete the project survey  (available here: Tahoe Transportation Plan ( . Survey deadline will be extended to mid-July.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) for a consultant team to provide the public process, project concept, and site assessment discussed at the last committee meeting has been drafted and advertised. The closing date for submission is August 5, 2022. Once selected and approved by TTD’s Board of Directors, the consultant team will be introduced to the Committee and work will commence.
- The discussion this month is preliminary work to get the committee into the thought process, in anticipation of the consultant team, on an approach for community involvement in the project concept and site assessment work. For example, several ideas came out of the online workshops TTD held in 2020 and a number of other comments have suggested project concepts; among them, being a standalone mobility hub, a mobility hub combined with other public service facilities, or combined with affordable housing, or combined with commercial development.
- The idea of this discussion is not the project concept, but to brainstorm on how best to engage the broad spectrum of the Incline Village Crystal Bay community. In the RFP, TTD is asking the consultant team to prepare up to three project concepts based on the needs of a mobility hub, but also guided by public input on potential partnership type projects that could address additional community needs. The project concepts will then be used to develop site parameter criteria upon which to base the site assessment process.
It was explained that the committee is at the beginning of this process and there was discussion around what is the best process for public engagement.
The committee agreed that communication with the Incline Village community needs to be improved. The current opinion in the community is that a transit hub is only to accommodate visitors. The TTD will produce a one to two page fact sheet describing the benefits of a transit hub for residents of Incline Village.
There was discussion on ways to engage the residents who live in the area of the old elementary school. Â The committee agreed all printed material and surveys need to be available in Spanish.Â