A City of Incline Village?

A movement has been launched to gather community input related to Incline Village and Crystal Bay having more control over our destiny. The link below is the beginning of the website where your feedback may be provided, FAQ’s will be updated and information will...

Highlights from the June 29th IVGID BOT Meeting

At their meeting, the Board heard from NLTFPD Chief Sommers regarding the Crystal Bay pumping station. Chief Sommers stated the pumping station would be nice to have up and running, it isn’t a requirement for the NLTFPD. The District GM gave an update on the...

Commissioner Hill’s Update at the CAB Meeting

At Tuesday evening’s CAB meeting, Commissioner Hill provided an update on the planning effort underway to evaluate the reported concerns on the various Incline Village pathways. Trail counters will be placed to gather information on the types of users, speeds of...

Update on Incline Village Justice Court

At Tuesday evening’s Citizen Advisory Board Meeting (CAB), an update was provided on the plans for the Justice Court. As shared at the meeting, the plan is for the Justice Court to move from its current location to the Community Center, located at 855 Alder...