IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

NOTE: The meeting schedule has been changed from every other Friday to the 1st and 3rd Friday’s of the month, beginning in April. [The Chat Box information appears at the end of the recap.] Denise Davis – Moderator As you may be aware, election season is...

Washoe County Tax Refund Status

Status Report for Incline Village/Crystal Bay Property Tax Refunds Month Ending MARCH 31, 2022 Payments are in compliance with the October 21, 2019 Order issued by the District Court in Village League to Save Incline Assets, Inc., et.al. vs. State of Nevada, et.al.,...

IVGID Meeting – Golf Rates and Budget

The general improvement district Board of Trustees made major steps forward last week in finalizing a tentative fiscal budget for 2022/23 after deciding to keep facility fees at a lower rate than previous years. The fee, which is a combination of the beach fee and...