Mar 9, 2022 | IVGID, Meeting Highlights
IVGID Audit Committee Chair, Ray Tulloch presented the recommendations from the Audit Committee as highlighted below. The entire agenda item and materials may be found by clicking here. Summary of Audit Committee Decision Points and Recommendations for the Board of...
Mar 9, 2022 | IVGID, Meeting Highlights
The board approved leaving IVGID Picture Pass Holder (PPH) daily ticket rates and season pass rates unchanged from the 2021-22 rates. For non-IVGID PPH’s the rates will increase by $5 for all pass types and seasonal pricing tiers. Pricing increases by tier are...
Mar 9, 2022 | Effluent Pipeline, IVGID, Meeting Highlights
The IVGID Board of Trustees was asked 1) to approve proposed rate increases and fee schedules for sewer and water, based, in large part, on a the draft HDR Utility Rate study which included a detailed cost of service study (proportional distribution of expenses) for...
Mar 9, 2022 | Effluent Pipeline, IVGID, Meeting Highlights
At the IVIGD Board of Trustees meeting held on Wednesday, March 9th, the Board unanimously approved the consent calendar including the following items: The purchase of new snowboard equipment in the amount of $170,488,50. Amendments for the design and CMAR team...
Mar 7, 2022 | Other Agencies, Short Term Rentals (STRs)
The Envision Tahoe Lake Tahoe Prosperity Plan survey and report was conducted by the Tahoe Prosperity Center, an economic development nonprofit in Incline Village that advocates for improved housing and broadband access in the region. The reports begins by concluding...