Below is the content of a press release published by the Incline Village General Improvement District today: INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. (April 3, 2024) – At its regularly...
IVGID GM Requests Separation Agreement
A special meeting will be held on Friday, June 23rd at 5pm at the IVGID Administration Building for the board to "Review, discuss, and possibly authorize the Board of...
IVGID Meeting – Tahoe Daily Tribune
The Tahoe Daily Tribune covered this week's IVGID Board of Trustees meeting. The meeting included important topics such as the approval of the increased water/sewer rates,...
Why is My Punch Card $91 – More Information on Reduction of Recreation Fee
On June 4th, we published an explanation of the reduction of the Recreation and Beach Fees that can be viewed here. Additionally, GM Winquest wrote another explanation that...
IVGID Meeting On Water/Sewer Rates, Final Budget and Rec Fee
Below is the link to the District provided meeting synopsis.
Why the Reduction of the Recreation Fee?
Over many years, the District has been over collecting from its parcel owners and has built up a sizeable excess fund balance in what is called its Community Services Fund...
RECAP of Last Year’s Changes to Ordinance 7
This post is a reminder of the changes made last year that are still in affect this year. There seems to be continued confusion on the rules, so we are reissuing the below...
IVGID Meeting Highlights – May 10th Meeting
The board conducted its normal monthly meeting on May 10th receiving a presentation on the activities of the Marketing Department, approved contracts for the completion of...
Executive Summary of Golf Rate Approach
The link below is to the presentation made at the May 8th IVGID Board of Trustees meeting on golf rates. The presentation outlined the approach taken in staff's rate...
IVGID’s Effluent Pipeline Project Information
The work to replace the aging effluent pipeline is underway on SR-28. Since this effort is not being organized nor managed by NDOT, you will not receive construction traffic...
Golf Rate Meeting – A Deep Dive
Monday evening the board will be reviewing not only the recommendations on golf rates, but also a review of the community organized Golf Clubs along with the financial...
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