Washoe County is hosting two community workshops to discuss possible changes to Washoe County’s Short Term Rentals (STR) regulations. This is your opportunity to review...
Boulder Bay Special Use Permit Application
Boulder Bay, the project known as The Resort at Tahoe & Residences, will be requesting a Special Use Permit Application for grading and connector roadways before the...
Truckee’s STR Survey
Wouldn't it be nice if our Washoe County Commissioners asked for our input on STR regulations? Below is language lifted from the survey put forth by the Town of Truckee:...
February CAB Meeting Agenda Items Expected
The agenda will be available by February 3rd on the CAB website. It is anticipated the following two items will be on the agenda: The Resort at Tahoe team will make a...
Meeting For 947 Tahoe Blvd. Condo Project
The developers of the proposed project have scheduled a neighborhood meeting on Monday, January 24th from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at the Chateau. You are encouraged to attend and...
CAB Meeting Video – January 3rd
The CAB meeting held on January 3rd had many presentations with community discussion on important topics including the condominium project planned and TTD's plans for...
Commissioner Hill’s Update – January 7th
January 26 is the County Commission Strategic Planning Meeting. That meeting really outlines what we want to go over for the entire year. We did this when I first started on...
IV/CB Community Forum Highlights on Office of the Constable
Below are excerpts from the January 7th Community Forum meeting as it pertains to the issue of the potential abolishment of the Office of the Constable for Incline...
TTD and TTC Meeting Highlights – New Taxes?
The Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) & Tahoe Transportation Commission (TTC) held a three-hour meeting Wednesday, January 5 starting at 3:00 pm. Full agenda is...
Agencies to Consider Tahoe Keys Weed Control
The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) will host a public hearing January 26 to decide on the next steps for the Tahoe Keys aquatic weeds test project. This project...
Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting
Tonight's meeting at 5:30 pm via Zoom. The agenda includes the following topics of interest to our community: 947 TAHOE BLVD. CONDOMINIUM PROJECT – Chuck Butler, the...
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