There are four candidates for Washoe County Commissioner District 1, our district, and seven candidates for IVGID Trustee. Jeff Church is being challenged for his seat...
IV/CB Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting Summary
The link to the meeting video may be found at the end of the below meeting summary. The February 6, 2023 Incline Village/Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board featured...
Update on Boulder Bay (Waldorf Astoria)
TRPA project approval is expected in February or March. The public has yet to see the traffic study or project circulation analysis. Below are concerns that have been...
Your Opportunity to Provide Input
On Monday, at the Incline Village Library and via Zoom, you'll have the opportunity to provide input to Washoe County regarding the election process and learn about the...
Results of the Proposed Cannabis Lounge and Zoning Changes
On January 17th, the Washoe County Commissioners voted 3-2 in favor of upholding the Planning Commission's decision to deny the proposed change to county code that would...
IV/CB Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) Highlights
Commissioner Hill gave an report on the following issues of importance to Incline Village/Crystal Bay: On 12/20/2022, Commissioner Hill requested Staff prepare a proposed...
Tuesday’s Important CAB Meeting
This is an important meeting for our community. Two speakers will be making presentations on important topics that will be before the Washoe County Board of Commissioners...
Cannabis Lounges – Their Path To Reality?
The Washoe County Planning Commission voted 3-3 on the proposed ordinance to allow cannabis lounges in unincorporated Washoe County. Given this vote on December 6th, the...
Potential Zoning Change Approval – From Affordable Housing to High End Condos
The TRPA and Washoe County Tahoe Area Plans currently restrict the commercial Town Centers to affordable and/or multi-family (apartment) dwelling units. TRPA increased the...
Mobility Hub Move?
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office has expressed a need for a larger substation at the same time TTD is reviewing alternative locations, locations other than the Old...
Transportation Planning For Incline Village/Crystal Bay
Get Involved! Washoe County is developing a transportation plan for Incline Village and Crystal Bay. The purpose of the November 16th in-person workshop, beginning at 4 pm...
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