IV/CB Community Forum Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2024

Denise Davis – IVCB Forum Moderator

Good morning, forum. I’m Denise Davis, your moderator. Ronda Tycer is our forum recap editor, and John Crockett is our tech guru.

As a reminder, this meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name. While speaking, please be respectful—personal attacks will not be tolerated. For those online, if you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included in the meeting recap. We partner with IVCB Community 1st.org and IVCBA.org to get information out. So, be sure to visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. To sign up for our forum meeting notices and recaps, send an email to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com. If you did not get a notice regarding today’s meeting in your email, be sure to sign up at our email address. Kari, what is happening at IVGID?

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Good morning and Happy New Year everyone. I just want to let everyone know we did not have any breaks in meetings over the holidays, but now everything is back in swing. It’s been a busy time. Diamond Peak has also seen some great numbers. As everyone knows that got out there, the staff is doing an amazing job considering Mother Nature took the winter off. But hopefully that will change by the end of this week. We have a board meeting next Wednesday January 10 at 6 pm. On the 11th we have the Golf Advisory Committee meeting at 3 pm, which is virtual only. I want to make sure everyone knows the agendas for both meetings are online. I’ll put the links in the Chat.

For other events coming up, at Diamond Peak we have the Ullr fest, which is really fun. It’s in collaboration with the Diamond Peak Ski Education Foundation.

That’s the weekend of the 26th. We have our Twilight Snowshoes online. The registration for that is just starting. I have the dates online. I think there is one in February as well as March. I’ve texted staff to see what’s going on and will put the links in the Chat. The Last Chance lottery is happening right now until January 8. You’ll want to go in there if you have a valid IVGID picture pass and join the Last Tracks purchase lottery. We draw names and you’re able to purchase up to 4 tickets across all the events—so 4 tickets per pass. You’ll want to get into that to make that coveted event.

Also big news, coming at the end of the month is IVGID Community Appreciation Week January 29-February 4. We usually have lots of fun specials. I’ll put all details in the Chat and I pushed it out online yesterday.

We have some awesome programs for little ones. We have Incline Ninjas and Gymnastics at the Rec Center in the afternoon. We also have swimming lessons. We have indoor soccer with Peter Salazar who’s the soccer coach for the Incline High School boy’s team. He does an Invasion Indoor Soccer program. That’s something you’ll want to sign up your little one for.

Also Youth Basketball begins on January 9th. We still have a little bit of space, so sign up. That’s the TK Kelly program. He’s a coach for the high-school varsity basketball team and running this program. That’s pretty exciting.

Something new for youth, we are starting a Rowing Club. It’s a 6-week indoor Rowing Club at the Rec Center in the pool. That’s something a little bit different.

We have Dance Class starting as well. And the 55+ Ski Clinic. Do I have any of my ski buddies online? Those clinics are a riot. They are on Wednesdays and begin next week. Get in there because it sells out. The program has grown so much. We also have a Women’s Ski Clinic on Tuesdays, and registration is happening for that. They don’t begin next week but pretty soon. 

Once we get more snow we’ll be having the adult Snowshoe Hikes on Tuesdays. That’s on pause until there’s a little more snow. 

And holiday tree recycling—in case you still have your tree—don’t forget the new location is at the overflow parking lot 958 Lakeshore. It’s no longer at Preston Field. Just a reminder in case you still have your tree in your house or sitting out front. That is it for me. Denise, did I miss anything? I tried to get it all.

Denise Davis

I don’t have any other items on my list. On the Board of Trustees agenda there are several update reports to the Trustees, and a number of contracts to be approved. I call it housekeeping. It’s the typical stuff: legal services – unemployment administrator –those types of things. The calendar for Budget Discussion will be discussed and reviewed. And there will be an update on the General Manager search.  On the Golf Committee Agenda, again there are a lot of updates and discussion. Are there any questions for Kari?

Aaron Vanderpool – Incline Village Resident, HOA President

Did you want to mention anything about the free radon kits available at the Rec Center? I think that’s a good program.

Kari Ferguson

That is a good program. They are available year round.  If you’re interested, contact the front desk. The fabulous staff at the front desk will get you one of those kits. It’s something where you do a collection and send it in to a lab. It’s a pretty cool thing. And those are available year round, which is a good thing with all the granite around us. It’s always good to check for.

Aaron Vanderpool

I didn’t know it was year round. I knew they collected information in the wintertime when the houses are closed up.

Kari Ferguson

Exactly. That’s the science behind that. When the house is closed, you get a more accurate reading.

Denise Davis

Okay, thanks, Kari. See you on the slopes. I want to let everyone know that the CERT—Community Emergency Response Team—training is free and will be starting January 18. It’s offered 4 times a year: January, April, July and October. If you’re interested in that, please visit www.washoe.CERT.org

Joseph Colacurcio – Washoe County Sheriff Office Lieutenant

I am back from my short stay away of approximately 6 months. I just got back into Incline. I started my transfer date on the 29th, and spent New Year’s Eve up here. I took Monday off and this is my first full week back. I’m just getting back into the swing of things and working with that. I’ll definitely have an update for you in 2 weeks about staffing and everything along those lines and the direction we’re going and everything like that. Currently we have good staffing, but not great staffing. Three now in training should be completed in the middle of February. They won’t be full-time resident deputies, but they will be assigned up here as they chose to come work here. I have our 2 motor deputies, 2 school resource officers, and then our bailiff at the Incline Justice Court.

Denise Davis

Do you want to give the Red-day/Green-day parking phone number?

Joseph Colacurcio

We are coming into that time of year and it is a very important program. The Red-day/Green-day parking program lets you know when you can and cannot park on the roadways. It’s decided by the Washoe County road supervisor up here. The phone number is 775 833-5555 or you can go to the Washoe County Where’s My Plow? And they will tell you if it’s a red day or a green day.

Denise Davis

I’ll put that URL in the list.

Joseph Colacurcio

My recommendation is if you truly want to know, call the phone number, as they use the phone number to update. You’ll start seeing more red notices handed out by the deputies around town to remind people of the program and how it works. It runs from November 1 to May 1.  

Denise Davis

Tiffany is letting us know that there’s a storm coming this week. It’s especially important to check the Red-day/Green-day and try not to park on the roads so they can get them plowed.

Joseph Colacurcio

If you have a parking issue—something you would like to have addressed—call our nonemergency number or you can visit washoecountysheriff.com, and put in a service request. If you have a parking issue that is continuous, make a service request so the Incline deputies can take care of it. If you have a parking issue that is continuous, such as on Lakeshore or Village with construction vehicles, put in a service request and we will address it. Do you have any questions before I turn it over to Chief Sommers?

Ryan Summers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Good morning. We’re going to be conducting a few pile burns around the community. We’ve done a few this week and we’ll do a couple more today. Then we’ll see how much snow this weather system brings us, and whether we can continue the pile burning into next week.

All fire chiefs in the Tahoe Basin—which includes Truckee, Northstar, and Olympic Valley—rotate what we call the Chief’s Column. That can be referenced off of our website or any one of the other agencies’ websites.  NLTFPD is taking January. So you’ll be seeing that coming out soon. The topics are going to be alert notifications. We want to make sure everyone goes to their proper county Emergency Management website and gets signed up for alert notifications. After this weekend, adopt a fire hydrant, please. We’ve got the free ashcan program going on. That’s grant funded. So if you have a fireplace and need to dispose of the ashes, come see us if you need an ashcan. Please don’t put the ashes in a paper bag on your deck because the deck won’t be there. That’s all I’ve got unless you have questions.

Denise Davis

Are there any questions for the chief? I don’t see any. It’s a quiet group today. Thank you chief. Moving along, I’ll remind everyone that the Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) that operates through the county has changed our dates. We meet on the 4th Monday of the month instead of the 1st Monday of the month. So our first meeting this year will be Monday January 22. Also, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) has cancelled their January 9 meeting. Their first meeting this year will now be January 16.

Jeff Church – Washoe County School District Trustee

Basically, I don’t have anything either… quick meeting. The interim superintendent, Kristin McNeal—our former superintendent—has now come back. There was an article today in the Reno Gazette Journal (RGJ) about Dr. Enfield’s departure. I’m not sure what her last day is. There are rumors she may be burning up vacation time. Otherwise her last day is February 9. There’s no news on the closing of the Incline Middle School. That’s on hold. I’m meeting today with the interim superintendent, and that is definitely on the agenda to discuss. But no news yet…

Denise Davis

Are there any questions for Mr. Church? Then moving on. The Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) has no meetings listed. So I can’t tell you what’s going on with that. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) shows on their website the APC meeting for January 10 has been cancelled. The January 24 meeting is the Governing Board all-day meeting. On January 31, they have scheduled a Tahoe Living Working Group meeting. More details will come.

At the county, on January 2 the Planning Committee met. On that agenda was a continuing discussion of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and electric fences. I wasn’t able to listen in on that. I believe it was the same discussion they have had a couple of times about amending the language of Article 319. I put in the recap the URL for the meeting materials and the youtube video of the meeting. You can listen to learn what happened in that discussion. January 4, yesterday, there was a Washoe County Board of Adjustment meeting. Kathie Julian do you want to fill everyone in on that? I didn’t see any Incline specific items on the agenda.

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident, Washoe County Board of Adjustment Member

There were no Incline or Tahoe specific items on the agenda. But I want to flag something I brought up at the meeting. I’m concerned. We have this website that lists neighborhood meetings. And we do have this process of developers holding neighborhood meetings at the very start of developing their projects. But to my mind, there isn’t a very good way for the views of the community to be conveyed to the Board of Adjustment or the planning people, or anyone other than those who attend the meeting. The meeting is recorded, but it’s cumbersome to sit down and review a 1-hour long meeting that includes everything including a presentation by the developer. They don’t have a proper summary of the comments the community members made. So I suggested to the Board of Adjustment that we have this on the agenda to discuss how the neighborhood meeting process can better communicate and summarize community concerns to these various boards and to the public.  

In the case we looked at yesterday, a lot of the community members disagreed with the developers’ design and said their views at that meeting weren’t correctly reported in the staff report of the county. They said they filled in comment cards, but they weren’t included. So, I reminded the county that since this process of having neighborhood meetings replaces the role of the CAB in terms of reviewing development projects, it behooves them to have a better approach to convey the views of the community more publicly. So, that’s all I have.

Denise Davis

In our last recap, there was a typo. Kathy had spoken about the Waldorf Astoria at Lake Tahoe (WALT) project. And she told us they were calling for 424 parking spaces and our recap reported 124 spaces.

Kathie Julian

Thank you for making that correction.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Lake Tahoe Preservation Alliance Director

TRPA’s Tahoe Living Working group this month will be starting on Phase 3, which will be more development. They just passed Phase 2 – which was extra height, density, coverage, and no parking. They are hard at it, so we’ve got to stay on this. They have definitely lost their way. I’m hoping that the Tahoe Living Working group is… It’s really made up of TRPA and county people. So, once again I feel like the public is left out. The League to Save Lake Tahoe’s Gavin usually goes to those meetings, but who else from the public?

On the Waldorf Astoria (WALT) project, they want to get a concrete plant or batch plant on site. TRPA is all for it. This is an 800,000 sq. ft. project. The batch plant will be there for years. It needs a retention pond. They say, “Oh, well it will reduce traffic. We won’t have all these cement trucks coming from Truckee.” It’s such a big project, that there aren’t enough cement trucks in Truckee to handle it.  So, they will have all the trucks delivering all the materials to make the cement. TRPA is on board. So, once again, if you want to see our area… And who knows if this project will even go. Are we going to get stuck with them running out of money? And it will be there for years, like it’s been 15 years so far for this project. That’s the news.

Steve Dolan – Incline Village Resident

I have a question, maybe for Ann. It came from her email. The part of the statement made was “to stop the sell off or transfer of State and Federal lands at Lake Tahoe for development.” I know that 20-25 years ago, there was a lot of exchange going on between Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe regarding transfers for parks and development. I’m curious what you’re referring to with that statement.

Ann Nichols

That was something I wrote?

Steve Dolan

Yes, it came from your group. “Stop the selloff or transfer of Federal and State lands for Lake Tahoe development.

Ann Nichols

Okay. Yes. We need affordable housing, right? The Sugarpine project—an affordable housing project in South Shore—it was given that land by the Tahoe Conservancy so they were able to develop it. And it’s a nice project. It’s only 40 feet tall, and there’s 1 parking space per unit, and it’s not bad. In that case it was State lands. But as far as Federal lands, they are looking at everything. Who is going to control this? The US Forest Service needs money. The Tahoe Conservancy needs money. How far is this going to go? They are going to sell another asset land in Kings Beach for a development called the King’s Beach Lodge. This will be 30-units on the corner of Coon Street and Highway 28. We really need to have somebody in charge to look at this stuff in advance instead of having an open… The way it is now, the public never finds out about it until it’s too late.

Steve Dolan

I agree.  My question is, what is the plan that you’re for in this petition to sign? I’d like to sign the petition. But that is something that I haven’t heard happen in terms of Federal lands being transferred. Now 25 years ago that was occurring. So if you have specifics, I’d love to know more about it and sign the petition.

Ann Nichols

The Tahoe Prosperity Group’s Roadmap and IVCBA—Linda Offerdahl’s group—her Roadmap for Washoe County housing considers this land right over here.

Steve Dolan

That’s private.

Ann Nichols

They consider… they have a few examples of parcels that they feel would be acceptable. One of them I think is right across from the high school. That is one they were talking about that would be a good one for housing.

Steve Dolan

I don’t think that’s being considered for housing. I think that’s only been considered for the dog park.

Ann Nichols

No, it’s in the TPC Road Map. I’ll find it and get it to you.

Steve Dolan

Thank you.

Kathie Julian 

Yes, just about that property across from the high school. I think Ann’s right. It could be considered for housing, but it’s not one of the priority places they’re talking about for housing.  But that would be a concern that the forestry lands could be transferred to housing.

Not that we don’t need affordable housing, we do. But of course my concern is that it won’t be affordable housing. It will be a mix, and only a very small percentage will be affordable.

But what I want to follow up on is the importance of the meeting I think is on January 31st—the Tahoe Living Working Group. It is an important meeting, venue, or group to listen to and give your comments to. The group has a number of representatives from the construction trades, the realtors, from the resorts, as well as a lot of county people. I believe Judy Simon is the one person from the community on it, and she’s there because she’s on the TRPA Advisory Planning Committee (APC). She would be somebody you could go to in order to express your views. But nothing is better than showing up yourselves and making your voices heard. Thank you.

Steve Dolan

In response, Kathie and Ann, that property across the street from the high school is an exchange. It has quite a few caveats regarding the use of the land. Coverage is not allowed at this point. Although it has been done in the past in terms of exchanges. That property made it to Congress during the Trump administration in terms of a bipartisan recommendation to give it to Incline Village. It was a line item removed from the bill.  So, it’s hard—it’s very hard—for that property to be used for anything other than as a park, which is why the dog park without coverage kind of made sense. Nonetheless, I don’t think that property is being considered that seriously for housing purposes. The new elementary school was built with that kind of exchange, but that was pretty special, and a long time ago. So I just thought I’d clarify that the property for housing purposes would be almost impossible. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I heard at one of the meetings at the end of the year, that the projected completion date for WALT is now 2028. It’s been pushed out another year. Kathie Julian, was that mentioned at the Board of Adjustment meeting?

Kathie Julian

Yes, my recollection is that things would not begin in earnest until next year and it would take 5 years.  I’d like to go back to the batch plant. That’s interesting. I had not heard about that. That didn’t come up in the discussion at the Board of Adjustment. We recently, just yesterday, looked at a rock-crushing piece of equipment that was proposed for use on a property in Reno in a ranchette area where they’re building a subdivision. The neighbors were extremely concerned about dust and noise from this rock-crushing equipment. This suggests to me that this batch plant could have significant impacts on folks in that area around Crystal Bay. So that behooves watching. I would advise to watch it carefully, because we found in the Board of Adjustment meeting, in the consultant report on the noise coming from this rock crushing machine, there was a tiny note at the bottom of one of the charts saying “The noise data does not include rocks in the machine. This is before you put the rocks in the machine.” I thought this was disingenuous on the part of the developers, because obviously you would want to measure the sound when rocks are in the machine, not just when the machine’s running. That was just an observation. So one needs to watchdog these things very carefully.

Ann Nichols

Relative to the batch plant, I’ve had an exchange with Paul Nielson on this. He’s saying, “Oh it would be great.” The other part of this—they’ll do it at the WALT project, at Homewood, at 39 Degrees down in Kings Beach, they’ll do it at the Boatworks project in Tahoe City. It’s opening the way for “batch plant city” because the only batch plant we have is in Truckee, and it’s not that big of an operation. They don’t have that many trucks to service all these big projects that are on the books. So, I would hope they’d go to the CAB with anything like this, and go to everybody, instead of just doing a backdoor deal with TRPA.  

Denise Davis

All right. Are there any further comments on that topic? Seeing none…

Helen Neff cannot be with us today because she’s at a funeral. She asked me to remind folks of a few things. I believe most everyone has got their “Take It Slow Tahoe” signs in for winter. Please don’t lose them. When we can see the grass again in the spring, we’ll put them back out.

She also wanted to make everyone aware of discussions at South Lake Tahoe regarding cannabis consumption lounges. She voiced her concern—which she voiced in the Washoe County discussions—about people consuming and then being on the road. She’s urging folks to listen in to the South Lake Tahoe conversation, and to show up in person if you have concerns, and to participate and be aware. Oh, there she is on Zoom.

Helen Neff – Incline Village Resident

Hey, Denise. The funeral actually starts at 10am so I’m on my phone on my way there. Thank you so much. On Tuesday January 9, the South Lake Tahoe City Council is considering two possible paths: one is to allow consumption lounges and one to not allow them. And this is part of other changes they need to make in their ordinance to be compliant with new California state rules.

This item has been continued twice on their agenda for various reasons. I think it was in October and then again in December, but it’s probably going to happen here in January. So anyone… I realize we’re not citizens of South Lake Tahoe, but they will take public comment from anyone. You can watch the meeting on Zoom and make comments on zoom or submit written comments. I can’t put the URL in the Chat. But it’s pretty easy to search South Lake Tahoe city council meetings, and you’ll get the agenda and all the information.

And again, I’m not against consumption of cannabis, I’m just against impaired driving. There is no certified and acceptable test for cannabis impairment that holds up in court. That’s why we don’t even know how many impaired people are causing crashes, because the results are thrown out. Thanks so much.

John Crockett – Washoe County Incline Library Head Librarian

Tomorrow we have a QUAD maker space—our hands-on program. This month we’re making some paper lanterns. You can create a design using our software CANVA, and we’ll cut it out on our cricket machine. Then you can stick an LED into it. You will have a nice little Lunar New Year paper lantern. That’s tomorrow starting at 10:30am. You do have to register online, please.

Then coming up on January 17 we are starting a series called Lunch-and-Learn. These are informative library programs with some refreshments for the first 15 people who register and attend here at the library. This is with Kate Kramer, policy analyst with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She’s going to be talking about scams and how to avoid them. If you want to attend in person, we have space for 15. We’ll also do a livestream by Zoom so you can attend virtually as well. That’s Wednesday January 17th at noon. Thanks.

Thanks also to everyone who donated to our Giving Tree. We had several bags we donated to Sierra Community House—mittens and food items and so on. Thank you Denise for getting that started. We had a great turnout, so we’ll definitely do that again. Thanks to folks who donated.

Denise Davis

Speaking of hosting, campaign season will soon be upon us. With that, be aware that the county uses this room for early voting. We already know we have some conflicts with voting. On those Fridays, our Forum meetings will be virtual only. We will remind you. Our first conflict is coming up in February. Please check the forum notices to see if we are meeting in-person or online only.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Village Resident

Regarding the campaign season, if anyone’s interested in the caucus, please let me know, and I can give you the information.

Denise Davis

Continuing the discussion about elections, if you haven’t already, you should be receiving a postcard in the mail. You get different wording depending on how you’re registered. If you are registered as a Republican or Democrat, you will get a postcard with information. If you are not registered with either party or registered as nonpartisan, you’ll get a different postcard that lets you know that you are registered to vote but not as a member of one of the major political parties. In order to participate in the Presidential Preference Primary, you must update your party registration. You may do so with appropriate documentation—including on Election Day. Or you can update online at registertovote.nv.gov.  Only candidates who filed for the Presidential Preference Primary will appear on the ballot. As you may know we have competing election procedures going on. They have an article on the county website called “What you need to know about the Presidential Preference Primary.” The highlights are:

•  the election is only for registered Republicans and Democrats

Political parties ultimately decide how to select their candidates.  So, the Presidential Preference Primary is nonbinding. The major parties will decide how to select their nominee for president. In addition, the Republican Party will also conduct a caucus as Yolanda mentioned.

“Candidates must have filed with the State of Nevada to appear on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot. The Presidential Preference Primary does not replace the primary in June. There will be the usual primary election in June for all partisan and nonpartisan officers other than president. The sample ballot is a tool to help you plan your vote, but it is not your official ballot. You may only vote using the official mail-in ballot or cast your ballot on a machine during early voting or Election Day voting. Mail-in ballots may be mailed or dropped off, or voters may vote in person. For more information on the presidential primary—how to register to vote or update your voter registration—visit www.washoecounty.gov/voters.

Finally on the topic of elections, we’d like to get some feedback as to how people feel about candidates at the forum. During our last election season, we decided candidates would be allowed to speak for 3 minutes each at the end of the meeting. At the moment, forum administrators are still in favor of that. The question has come up about whether we want to have a Q&A period along with the candidates being allowed to speak for 3 minutes. So, we just need some feedback from you guys about that. Everyone is totally quiet.

Steve Dolan

I prefer that the candidates show up at this meeting for the Q&A section of that 3 minutes.

Denise Davis

I don’t think we’re envisioning having Q&A during their 3 minutes. I think what we’re suggesting is candidates would have 3 minutes each at the end of the meeting. Then do we want to have an open Q&A period for any and all candidates? Or do we just want their 3-minute pitch, and that’s it?

Aaron Vanderpool

I think it would be great to have a Q&A limited by time so it doesn’t go on too long. I’d also like to say that with election season coming up, I would like to encourage anyone and everyone to run for local office. It’s very important, especially for the Washoe County Commissioner position. And in the primary and general election, just anybody that has any means, please run. I would strongly encourage it because it’s very important for our local issues. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Are there any other comments about what you want to do during election season? John Crockett says you can send your suggestions to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com. I just want to share an observation with everyone. We have a considerable drop-off in Zoom participants right before 10 am. If we give them 3 minutes toward the end of the meeting, the Q&A would likely continue after 10 am. If that’s not what people want, but they still want to have Q&A, then that time would come out of the meeting between 9 and 10 am. That’s just an observation I’m sharing.

Aaron Vanderpool

One thing I like is that you have the forum recaps we can read. So even if people drop off or they’re not able to show up, they can still read the Q&As. That’s a benefit to me. And thank you Ronda and Denise and John for making this meeting possible.

Denise Davis

It’s a very quiet group today. I don’t know if it’s the holiday hangover…

Steve Dolan

I guess I’m not hung over enough. I want to make one last point regarding the property across the street from the Incline High School—besides its restrictions being a private exchange between US Forest Service and a private citizen way back when—I don’t know when. It has Rosewood Creek running right through the center of it, which by itself has a large Stream Environmental Zone (SEZ). But also, Rosewood is a tributary for 3rd Creek. And as of 2022, 3rd Creek has become a nationally protected stream as a habitat for the Lahontan Cutthroat trout. So, pretty much everything around 3rd Creek has changed since a variety of permits and building concepts have happened around it. So that’s just another thing to maybe save people some time in terms of trying to develop that property or any tributary area for 3rd Creek.

Denise Davis

I need to circle back and get a bit of clarification about our election-season discussion. Do people only want to hear from candidates who join us in person or also from candidates who are joining us online? I heard “in person” a couple of times. I need some feedback as to whether you want to limit it to candidates who are here in person or also to candidates online.

Yolanda Knaak

I think we should hear from those online too. What if we have somebody like Mark Amodei call in or whoever is running against him? I think it would be worth it to hear them online.

Jon Davidson

I would like you to encourage them to come in person, but if not, then online.

John Crockett

Davidsons say yes to both in person and online candidates. The more exposure the better so we can know who they are and what they stand for.

Kathie Julian

I would agree that online is okay as well. With all the weather problems and so forth, I think it’s completely appropriate to allow online as well. On the Q&A, I think part of the problem is if it goes on and on – and depending on the questions… I think one of the valuable things about this forum is that it’s not partisan. Republicans and Democrats can work together on local issues. I just think it may be better to keep it as less political as possible.

Denise Davis

Any other thoughts? Okay, I just need a quick show of hands. Hands up if you’re in favor of a Q&A period following the 3-minute statements. I see 5 here and 1 online. So the majority seems to want to have a Q&A period following statements, so that’s what we’ll plan for.

So this is the final call for any topics you want to discuss or any comments you want to make.

Kathie Julian

In my view the Q&A should be after all of the statements. You wouldn’t want a Q&A after each statement and then you end up with not enough time for the other statements.

Denise Davis

Yes, that’s what I was envisioning. All candidates will make their 3-minute statements. And then we’ll have a brief Q&A, probably limited to 10 minutes.  All right, final call. Everyone is very quiet.

You know it’s surprising to me. Last year started out gangbusters with all the different agencies. This year, agency websites are sparse, with not a lot posted. I’m not sure if they’re just ramping up or whether they finished what they wanted.

I remind everyone we will be here in person and online for the next forum, which will be January 19.  In the meantime, be careful outside with snow and ice now that winter has arrived. And we’ll see you in 2 weeks.


Aaron Vanderpool

Ann Nichols

Beth and Jon Davidson

Chris King

David Simon

Debbie Nicholas

Denise Davis

Helen Neff

Jeff Church

Joe Campbell

Joe Colacurcio

John Crockett

John James

Kari Wingate Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Michaela Tonking

Nick Tone

Pam Straley

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Steve Dolan

Tiffany Clements

Tina Rancourt

Yolanda Knaak


09:14:28     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : IVGID BOT a meeting: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/uploads/pdf-ivgid/20240110_BOT_Agenda.pdf

09:14:59     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Golf Advisory committee: https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/uploads/pdf-ivgid/20240111_Golf_Advisory_Committee_Agenda.pdf

09:16:38     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : I forgot to mention the Lead and Copper Survey.  https://www.yourtahoeplace.com/news/2023-public-works-lead-copper-rule-survey

09:17:40     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Last Tracks Lottery: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/last-tracks-lottery/

09:18:19     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : 55+ Ski Clinic: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/wednesday-55-ski-clinics/2024-01-10/

09:19:04     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Uller Fest: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/ullr-fest/

09:19:59     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : IVGID a community Appreciation Days at Diamond Peak: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/ivgid-community-appreciation-week/

09:20:44     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Women’s Ski Clinic at Diamond Peak on Tuesdays: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/skeesters-womens-ski-clinics/2024-01-30/

09:22:56     From kathie julian : https://www.washoecounty.gov/csd/planning_and_development/applications/apps_commish_district_one.php

09:25:48     From kathie julian : The above link is for District 1 Applications for Special use permits and for administrative permits.  Important to track what is proposed for the Tahoe area.  This is where we hear about these matters.

09:35:34     From John Crockett/Incline Village : Website:  https://www.cityofslt.us/84/Watch-City-CouncilCommission-Meetings

Actual agenda:


09:37:28     From Washoe County Libraries : Links above have details on agenda item #14 and how to comment.

09:38:04     From kathie julian : Here is the link to the Neighborhood Mtg Schedule website for Washoe County:  https://neighborhood-washoe.hub.arcgis.com/

09:42:59     From John Crockett/Incline Village : https://washoelife.washoecounty.gov/washoe-county/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-presidential-preference-primary/

09:44:13     From John Crockett/Incline Village : www.washoecounty.gov/voters

09:45:06     From John Crockett/Incline Village : our email is:  ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com


Our email is:


Washoe County Sheriff Office (WCSO)

non-emergency dispatch  775-785-9276

Incline substation Facebook page


Red Day / Green Day info



“Where’s My Plow?” real-time map


North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District website


non-emergency fire dispatch (Grass Valley)  530-477-0641, then pick 7

Washoe County emergency alert sign-up


Washoe Regional Emergency Information Center


CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) free training begins Jan 18


IVGID lead and copper pipe survey


(URL is case-sensitive)

Washoe County Library BOT vacancy – apply by Jan 17

Jan 10 – IVGID BOT agenda


Jan 11 – IVGID Golf Advisory Committee agenda  [meeting is ZOOM ONLY]


Jan 2 Washoe County Planning Commission staff report regarding ADU development code amendments


video of Jan 2 Planning Commission meeting

Washoe County voting info


Presidential Preference Primary info

Washoe311 – request for service

call 311 or 775-328-2003


all applications for Washoe County Commission District 1


Neighborhood Meetings for upcoming projects


IV/CB Community 1st meetings and community info


IVCBA (Incline Village Crystal Bay Community and Business Association)


South Lake Tahoe City Council Meeting regarding Cannabis Lounges




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