IV/CB Community Forum Meeting Minutes – Feb. 16

February 16, 2024

The link to the recording of the meeting is at:

Denise Davis – IVCB Forum Moderator

Good morning, forum. I’m Denise Davis, your moderator. Ronda Tycer is our forum recap editor, and Amanda McPhaill is our tech guru.

As a reminder, this meeting is being recorded. Before you begin speaking, please state your name. While speaking, be respectful—personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you’d like to share URLs, post them in the Chat Box and they’ll be included in the meeting recap. We partner with IVCB Community 1st.org and IVCBA.org to get information out. So, be sure to visit their websites and sign up for their newsletters. To sign up for our forum meeting notices and recaps, send an email to us at ivcbcommunityforum@gmail.com. All right Kari. What is happening at IVGID?

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator

Good morning. Happy Friday everyone. We have a Golf Advisory Committee meeting on the 22nd. All of the information for that meeting is posted online. Our last Board of Trustees meeting was last Wednesday February 14th and our next one is on the 28th. There is lots happening at Diamond Peak. The kids are out of school this coming week, called Ski Week. So, there will be kids around during the day and we hope to ski at Diamond Peak. That means that all of our clinics—our 55+ clinic and our Ladies Ski clinic—will not happen because we plan to be a little bit busier up there. So, maybe leave a little bit more time or take TART or one of our awesome shuttles to get to Diamond. Peak, and save a parking space next week at Diamond Peak. That’s about it for me. We do have a lot of events coming up in the spring, too. I’ll put the link for all the events in the Chat.

Denise Davis

I saw that on the IVGID agenda… Full disclosure up front—Wednesday was my anniversary so I spent it with my husband and not watching the IVGID Board meeting. So, I saw that there was a blood drive on the agenda. Is that happening?

Kari Ferguson

The blood drive has been cancelled.

Denise Davis

Okay, thank you, Kari.

Kari Ferguson

And happy anniversary!

Denise Davis

Thank you! Michaela did you want to say anything about the Golf Advisory Committee?

Michaela Tonking – Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee

Just that we have the Golf Advisory Committee next Thursday, and we’re going to discuss how to look at all the financials and utilization at our golf courses. Again, Happy Belated Anniversary!

Denise Davis

Thank you.

Michaela Tonking

You missed a really exciting meeting.

Denise Davis

Well, I’m going to catch up on it. I thought I’d catch up last night but I had other things I had to catch up on. Any other questions for IVGID? Seeing none, we’ll move on to Chief Summers. And are you the official Public Information Officer (PIO)?

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Chief

Good morning. Yes, yours.

Denise Davis

That’s what I thought. Suddenly I was having a senior moment. It happens more often these days. Our PIO is Tia Rancourt.

Ryan Sommers

What do we have for an update? We’re pretty much just status quo. Not too much going on. We will be slightly revamping our seasonal program this coming summer due to some—I’ll just say—“drama” with NV Energy. We’re still working through that right now because as you know they do help us out with quite a bit of the fuel projects around not only our Fire District but the State. However, they’re changing that program a little bit, so we’re in talks with them to hopefully continue to work with them under their structure.

I received an email from Kathie Julian about a pilot program of the Department of Interior to help combat wildland fires. She asked me to mention this and asked if it would be beneficial to North Lake Tahoe Fire. It’s kind of technical, but what they’re releasing funds for in a grant scenario is under the Department of Interior, which is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)— and that’s important and I’ll tell you why in just a second. They are releasing funds for fire departments to get grants to buy what they call a “skid mount.” A skid mount is a pump which includes an engine and a tank on a skid—or for lack of a better term—on a “pallet.” You would put this in the back of an existing pickup. And you would have the capability to extinguish a very small fire.

We have looked at these in the past. We’ve had a couple in the past. But they just don’t work very well for us. They don’t carry enough water unless you get to a campfire or an abandoned campfire—then they’re great. The good news is we have six engines that are a lot more capable than what they’re releasing funds for. The skid mounts do not include the truck. So, you have to go buy the truck. The reason I mentioned the Department of Interior is because they would like you to use it mostly on BLM land. And we do not have BLM land here in the basin. We are surrounded by the US Forest Service land. So, Kathie, I hope that answers your question.

And now, switching gears, I believe we have a video that we’d like to show everybody if we can show the screen on a FEMA grant that we did receive on medical equipment.     

 [Video: North Lake Tahoe Fire First in State with Advanced CPR Machine]

“ … [inaudible 7:30]  on how to perform this life-saving skill to Lake Tahoe. The machine is taking action of… life process. This is really easy. We just put it over [the person’s chest] you’re about to watch the Auto NXT at work. The advanced CPR machine once attached to the chest delivers compressions to the patient. [inaudible 8:07]. The machine allows the chest compressions to occur in tough spots like an elevator [inaudible] or coming downstairs. Places where they have to wait or even pause those compressions until the patient is in a more stable location.

The North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District is the first to obtain these machines in the State of Nevada with the help of a FEMA grant. Auto NXT delivers just the right amount of pressure because there’s technology inside the chest strap [inaudible] and delivers those compressions in a precise and uninterrupted manner. This frees up firemen or paramedics on the call. And all that entails. And [inaudible] It obviously lends itself to those human factors. We get tired. The machine doesn’t get tired. We might lose rhythm. The machine doesn’t lose rhythm. We might not compress the chest as deep as we need to because we are getting tired. The machine doesn’t. So, what this does is in the chain of survival, is it pops that up so that we have a better chance of survivability.

It took a week to train all of North Lake firemen and fire-women on the machines since most of their calls are [inaudible]. Auto NXT will be on five ambulances here with the Lake Tahoe Fire department. The beauty of the system is if they need to be altered in any way—if there’s a change in resuscitative guidelines or updates—the machines can be changed to reflect that. North Lake Tahoe Fire Department Terry Russell.”

Ryan Sommers

So, it’s actually very exciting that we’re the first agency in the state to get this.

Tia Rancourt – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District Public Information Officer

… and it supports our Heart Safe community that we were awarded in 2014. So, it’s great. We’re really excited. So I just wanted to share that with everybody.

And in addition to that, I’ll just remind everyone there’s also the Pulse Point app that can help you locate automatic electronic defibrillators (AEDs). So, take advantage of that app. It’s free. Joe Farrell in our community has been instrumental in getting that available and out to all of us. And we’ll be issuing a press release on that this month as well because it’s American National Heart month. So, we’ll be putting that out next week.

Denise Davis

Did I see you have a couple of really sweet vehicles up for auction that ends today?

Ryan Sommers

Oh yeah. Yes, an Excursion and a Jeep.

Denise Davis

So, if you’re interested in picking up a couple of previously gently used vehicles—I’m sure not fire trucks, not big fire trucks—but an Excursion and a Jeep. That auction ends today at 4 pm. So, get your bid in. Do you have any questions for the fire department? Seeing none, we’ll move along. I don’t see anybody from the Sheriff Office. I just want to again congratulate Lieutenant Joseph Colacurcio and Deputy Ball for being awarded “Heroes with a Heart” awards.

I want to mention that the Washoe County School District (WCSD) has an anonymous survey online regarding what people would like to see in the new superintendent. The deadline is the end of the month to get your comments in. That URL will be in the recap and maybe in the Chat. I think Amanda might put that up. Moving along, did you have any announcements regarding the library?

Amanda McPhaill – Washoe Incline Village Library Librarian

So, as Kari Ferguson mentioned, next week while the schools are closed, we have here at the library a [inaudible] culinary camp going on for the kids. I believe there are a few spots left open. So, if you have kiddos or know kiddos who need something to do next Wednesday and Thursday, you can go to our website and register for that. Our ever-popular PJ story-time where you come in your PJs and bring your stuffy toy is happening the last Tuesday of the month— February 27 at 6:30 pm. So, if you have kiddos or know kiddos that need to get those wiggles out before bed-time, bring them on over to the library and we’ll help you out with that. That’s about it.

Denise Davis

Great. Thanks, Amanda. And I also need to let everybody know The Washoe County Commissioners are meeting today to canvas the vote. It starts at 10 am. They need to be able to use the library to broadcast that, so we need to be conscientious of the time and finish by 10 am. That’s just to let everybody know they are trying to get information from the public.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Village Resident

I know they are trying to get information from the public. One thing I think you need to realize is that Nevada decides who our delegates go to, whether it’s a Republican year or a Democrat year that we have the caucus. And the caucus is how we assign our delegates. Having the Presidential Preference Primary (PPP) is kind of a waste of money. It costs about $5 million. So, you might want to contact your county commissioners or try to come here for the meeting when they have public comment. Five million dollars for the PPP which I feel really doesn’t do anything. It’s the caucus where we decide where our delegates will go. So, I just wanted to give you a heads up. Thank you.

Kathie Julian – Incline Village Resident

Let me just respond to that. The State Legislature passed legislation allowing for the Presidential Preference Primaries (PPP) and a voting format with early voting and so forth. And, I just want to note that there was an article about how much more turnout there was for the PP— for people actually going and voting—even though perhaps in some people’s minds the choices were limited or whatever. There was a lot more turnout for going to the primary election at the library and by mail than there was for the Republican caucus.

When Yolanda talks about the caucus, she’s speaking of the Republican caucus. They had their caucus and that determines where the vote is. That is not how the Democrats were doing their selection of their candidate. So, I think it’s not exactly accurate to say the PPP is a waste of money. And I applaud that there was so much more turnout at a proper primary from both parties, because that’s the point of these primaries. They increase turnout and increase access to voters. Thank you.

Denise Davis

All right. I need to correct what I said earlier. The survey regarding the qualities of a superintendent for WCSD ends Friday February 23rd not the 22nd.

As I mentioned earlier, we do have the canvass of the vote meeting of the County Commissioners today at 10 am. Tuesday February 20th is a Board of County Commissioners meeting. And on the agenda Item 6 is a presentation by members of the Tahoe Destination Stewardship Council. Presenters are Devin Middlebrook of the TRPA and [inaudible]of the Stewardship Council, and Amy Berry of the Tahoe Fund to discuss the new Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Council and the county’s participation and support of the plan. That will be a presentation at the beginning of the county commission meeting.

Also, on the agenda for the 20th is the latest IVCB property tax refund report. For the month ending January 31,, 2024, total tax dollars refunded to date:

Total tax dollars refunded = $22,618,486

Total Interest expense refunded = $21 620,888

Total refunded = $44,239,374

Also, on the agenda for the county commissioners February 20 meeting there is a public hearing which will start no sooner than 12:30 pm for the “Second reading and possible adoption of an ordinance amending WC Code Chapter 110.220 Sec. 110.220.275 for the Woodcreek regulatory zone to add ‘schools kindergarten through secondary’ use type as a permitted use subject to a Special Use Permit (SUP) on those parcels in size equal to or greater than 3 acres within the Tahoe Woodcreek regulatory zone and all matters necessarily connected therewith and pertaining thereto.” Virtual public comment will be eligible for that item.

Wayne Ford – Incline Village Resident

I have been a resident of the Woodcreek zone for 40-some years—maybe too long—but I’ve been there. I’ve been talking to the planner on this noticing, which once again was put into the newspaper in Reno 10 days before the meeting. For such a major change [to the code] on something we spent years on to get right… And I understand things come up and things evolve so that changes are possible and need to be done… But the neighborhood meeting… I’ve talked to three other residents in my area. I’m within that same regulatory zone they are. They never got a notice of the neighborhood meeting. And a couple of them are very diligent in responding to that or giving me a call, because I tend to deal with that once in a while in terms of regulatory uses.

I’m asking for a list of those who were noticed by the applicants in terms of that neighborhood meeting. I haven’t received it yet. An odd thing happened this morning. I’ve been working with the planner. She sent me the staff report or the link to it. I went through it last night. And then this morning I got up and what she’d sent me had been withdrawn. I’ve never had that happen before. Why would you withdraw an email just sent the day before? So that raised questions in my mind. Why was it withdrawn? I haven’t got an answer to that either. So, this noticing for something as major as thi— on which we spent years going to public meetings—is something that should be noticed more than just in a newspaper that most of us don’t take or read. I haven’t seen a Reno Gazette Journal around here for years. Maybe it’s on a wall as an archive of something that used to happen where people got their information.  

So, I just want to bring that to your attention. It’s not about the uses right now that’s being proposed. But I want to bring up one last thing. Under TRPA code, a person can buy two parcels and abandon the property line between them and it becomes one parcel. It could happen in this regulatory zone – the higher use of a school – needs a restriction on subdivisions. That carried out to the degree of 3 acres could happen very easily. And a person could end up having in this regulatory zone a school proposed right across the street from where they’re living. If properties are bought up and this “higher use” is something they feel they can make money on by building another school. So, something needs to be done in terms of a restriction regarding when these properties are subdivided – and how they exist today because more and more properties can be annexed to allow for a bigger and bigger use. That would impact the regulatory zone and the residences that exist around these particular sites. Nothing has been said about that. That’s something TRPA may need to look at in terms of this change. Thank you so much.

Denise Davis

On the Washoe County Commissioners (WCC) agenda, they do have the links to the ordinance and public comment received after the Planning Commission, and public comment from the January 23, 2024 WCC meeting and the staff presentation. So, if you’re looking for the support materials, go to the WCC agenda and click on those links.

Ann Nichols – Crystal Bay Resident, North Lake Tahoe Preservation Alliance Director

Thank you, Denise, for that notice, because the Stewardship group is all about getting money from Washoe County. I believe Amy Berry from the Tahoe Fund wants to be the fiscal agent. This is really about tourism, and about another quasi-governmental agency—I think there are now 16 of them—starting new committees, new jobs, new money and wanting money. So, I encourage everybody to listen to their presentation. I want to get you guys a chart. I’ll do it at the next meeting. It shows all the ways TRPA wants to come after us for money. For instance, with basin-wide sales tax and all kinds of other ideas.

Then the other thing about this project in Woodcreek. This is another example of piecemeal planning—which you’re not supposed to do—project-by-project zoning changes. That’s what we encountered with 947 Tahoe Boulevard. So, it is something that really needs to be clamped down on. It’s just not the way it is supposed to be done. Thank you.

Sharon Schrage – Incline Village Resident

I was told this week regarding the Woodcreek project that, if the zoning passes, that SR 431 from College Avenue to Highway 28—which is one of our three emergency evacuation routes – would turn into a school zone with the truck runaway ramp right in the middle. Is there any confirmation that would actually happen? That our evacuation route would become a school zone? Has anyone looked at the worst-case scenario of a fire when school’s in session and parents are trying to get to their kids completely blocking that evacuation route?

Also, at another time, a truck could lose its brakes—as it did last summer— again, when school is starting or getting out. With the Caldor fire in our recent memory, that frightens me.

Denise Davis

Kathie Julian, did that come before the Board of Adjustment?

Kathie Julian – Washoe Board of Adjustment Member

No, I believe it went before the Planning Commission. It didn’t come before the Board of Adjustment. To the gentleman’s comment before, I think the county’s rule is to alert neighbors within 750 ft of the project site. It’s not even neighbors. They alert property owners. So, if you have a rental property there, or an apartment complex, you as a renter don’t get any notice but the owner of the building will get the notice. And it will be sent by mail. So, I think there are many problems with the noticing requirements on the county’s part. I don’t think it’s sufficient. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Sharon. I have not heard that concern before. So, I don’t think any of us have heard of it.

Sharon Schrage

I was given a multicolored map of who was noticed about the evacuation route. I have a neighbor who lost her home in the Paradise fire. So, it’s more of an immediate concern to me. I just found out about this. And I also understand the noticing. But as we all know fire doesn’t restrict itself to just the neighborhood. It can blow up through an entire community. If people are concerned about this evacuation route – and the route affects everyone in the area – how does Washoe County assure they are taking the best interest of residents in mind when they are making these decisions.  

Denise Davis

I urge you to contact our county commissioner Alexis Hill to begin the process.

Ann Nichols

Something like this should come before our CAB first. And then another issue about traffic and

congestion… You know how all of the parents want to pick their kids up by car. This would further exacerbate traffic and congestion. Thanks.

Kathie Julian

I put information about District 1 applications in the Chat. The information about that zoning change is there online. It did go to the Planning Commission. It’s been under review. It’s now up for a second reading. So, I think it’s pretty much almost a done deal with the Washoe County board. I had not realized the implications for traffic of this either. The person in our community who’s really taking a lead in providing information is Shawn Comstock. She’s the person taking the lead on the opposition here. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me putting her email in the Chat if you want to follow up for more information.  I’ll put it in the Chat and you guys can determine if you want to put it out to the public. Thanks.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Kathie. Yes, this is the second reading of the ordinance change, so if it’s approved on the 20th, it will go into effect.

Speaking of the Citizens Advisory Board (CAB)—which is run by the county—the next meeting will be Monday February 26 at 5:30. It will be a hybrid meeting in person and online. We meet here at the library. The agenda is not posted yet. If you missed it, at the end of the year we moved our CAB meetings to the fourth Monday of the month at 5:30.

For Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) news, did anyone attend the meeting on February 7th? I was out of town and was unable to watch online. That was a big “no”. So, I’ll find out what happened and let you know. Wednesday the 14th was also the TRPA Advisory Planning Commission (APC) meeting of the TRPA. Is there any follow-up on that? Seeing none… The next TRPA Governing Board meeting is scheduled for February 28. Has anyone heard if the Tahoe Living Working Group has been rescheduled? It was supposed to be the end of January and they cancelled and put out a notice it had to be rescheduled. I haven’t seen anything. Has anyone else?

Ann Nichols

I listened to the whole APC meeting. It was once again an example of… it’s that big development that’s going to go in at the Boatworks Mall in Tahoe City. The members of the APC supposedly are scientists. But that’s not really the case. Anyway, they didn’t have a lot of questions. There are all kinds of information we need. We don’t know the population of the site. How big is it really going to be? It’s giant. Again, it’s “10 lbs in a 5lb bag.” There were some of us at the meeting trying to get this information. TRPA is once again going with the big development.

The other thing they talked about was the litigation that Mountain Area Preservation (MAP) filed against the TRPA housing amendments—that include unlimited coverage, unlimited number of units for multifamily, and extra height. Amazing. There’s all this and also a thing called a “non-contiguous project” that can get height. So, say you do a project like 947 and then you own this property across the street. You could get all these same allowance goodies for that property even though it’s noncontiguous, but it’s the same owner. They’ve made a super-complicated process. You need AI to figure it out. It’s now gotten way over the top. Thanks.

Denise Davis

I do have the “press release” from TRPA posted on the TRPA website. The headline says, “TRPA plans a vigorous defense of affordable housing policies.” It’s dated February 14, 2024. “TRPA is planning a vigorous defense of a lawsuit filed last Friday against affordable and workforce housing policy changes adopted for the Lake Tahoe Region in December of 2023,” TRPA John Marshall said in a statement today. Mountain Area Preservation, a Truckee-based group whose members identify themselves as people who live and work in the Lake Tahoe region, seeks to close off opportunities for others of limited means to enjoy the same opportunities,” Marshall said.

“TRPA’s recent policy changes created additional incentives for affordable and workforce housing close to transit and service, along with increased requirements for stormwater treatment to protect the lake’s famed clarity and measures to promote walking, biking, and transit use. Lake Tahoe has some of the strongest environmental protections in the nation thanks to the bi-state compact that created the TRPA in 1961, said TRPA Executive Director Julie Regan. The TRPA Governing Board has made it a priority to stand up for local workers, to help revitalize our communities, and protect the lake for future generations.” [They quote facts about environmental conditions at Lake Tahoe.]

“Strict development caps throughout the Lake Tahoe Regional Plan are unparalleled in the United States and remain in effect for the Tahoe Basin under the amended policies to promote affordable housing. Less than 1% of the land area in the Tahoe Basin is in a town center where new policies apply to deed-restricted affordable and workforce housing projects. The housing units reserved for the policy incentives have been set aside for decades.

“More than 70% of the pollutants harming Lake Tahoe are coming from urban upland areas where reinvestment bring water quality and transportation improvements. Monitoring of environmental conditions in the Tahoe Basin shows that the full-time population dropped 12% from 2000 to 2020 as home prices became out of reach for most residents. Traffic statistics show the number of cars and visitors in the region has remained flat over the last decade even as leisure activities have shifted to outdoor recreation.” [And then there are links to other reports.]

“Unfortunately, litigating affordable housing solutions under the guise of environmental protection is becoming a common tactic in communities across California and the nation, and is a major reason why shortages of affordable housing continue,” Marshall said. In the case here in Lake Tahoe these litigants are blocking both affordable housing solutions and progress toward lake clarity. Housing planners at TRPA have been following stories of similar litigation.”

So that is their statement on the TRPA website and they have several links posted. 

Kathie Julian

Well first, I think that MAP should have their statement read into the record. If I can find it, I’ll send it to Ronda as a link. Frankly, I find a lot of what was said in that statement to be completely bogus. The devil in the details. I keep saying this.

The implementation provisions under the zoning code change allow for our counties to essentially—in lay person terms—“negotiate” with the developer on “inclusory housing,” which means as little as 10% of a 6-story, high-density, luxury condo could be designated “achievable” with no cap on rent, no cap on price, and just a requirement that someone in the residence works 30 hours in the basin. And this can be negotiated with the developer.

So, it is completely bogus for them to suggest that 100% of these properties that will be built for affordable or for workforce housing because the language in the provisions in the code allows you to circumvent that completely. So, “affordable” is a misnomer. And this is why Gavin Fieger of the League to Save Lake said the provisions are “all carrot and no stick.” It’s truly incentivizing developers. Thank you.

Ronda Tycer – Incline Village Resident

Well, I have the same thing to say but I will try to say it as succinctly as I can. In December TRPA approved several building code amendments that would basically increase density in the centers of our villages and towns. They did this by allowing developers to build higher, smaller units without parking garages.

In spite of hundreds of protests, they went ahead and approved these changes, saying they were required to get developers to build workforce housing.

But the way the code is now written, developers wouldn’t need to build much workforce housing, and could instead continue building condos but without parking, which means anyone needing to get to work with a car would have to park in nearby neighborhoods or parking lots.

Most residents realize we don’t need more density in our small “town center” which in Incline actually means all along Highway 28 through the village. And we do need cars to get around— especially in winter. So, residents have protested the new code. There are currently two lawsuits, one against TRPA, and another against Placer County’s adoption of these new building codes. These lawsuits are important for every resident around the lake. They are residents’ responsibility. I’ll put some links in the Chat so those who want to know what all the flap is about can read up. Thanks.

Denise Davis

Thanks, Ronda. Ann Nichols, go ahead.

Ann Nichols

Yes, this is what happens when you have a Public Relations (PR) person in charge of a governmental agency called TRPA. It is ‘spend to the max.’ What TRPA has done is they have monetized the Lake Tahoe basin, making land more expensive so developers can only build luxury condominiums to make any money. TRPA has approved projects that are too big that cannot be financed like the Waldorf Astoria. And then nothing happens. And when nothing happens, who do they blame it on? Conservationists. We’re in the way. It is so wrong-headed. Thank you.

Denise Davis

All right. Any other comments on that topic? We’ll move along. I want to alert everyone to our friends at the postal service who have floated an idea again of moving processing to Sacramento from the Reno post office. Allegedly, that will be more efficient and there will be no delays. As someone pointed out, apparently, they never heard that our pass closes in the winter. The postal service is taking public comment on their plans. At the moment they’re floating the idea—and now they’re kind of backing off a bit. But please feel free to give your comment. It’s accepted through the end of the month.


So, if you would like to make comments about keeping or moving the mail processing from Reno to Sacramento, this is your opportunity.

I also want to let people know that if you have a Washoe County email, it appears they have updated or installed a new spam filter. So, the recap may not reach you. So, check and see if we are listed as a “safe sender” so you can continue to receive the recap. You got the announcement for the meeting, but because the recap contains URLs, it gets blocked. So, I just want to give you a heads up.

Did you want to tell us anything from the Sheriff’s Department?

Nick Tone – Washoe County Sheriff Office Sergeant

The only update we have for everybody is we have a new supervisor starting next week. He’s just finishing his training and it’s going to be Sergeant Todd Phitsmire. He has worked in Incline in the past as a detective at one point before he was promoted. He will be working the graveyard shift on the weekend. So, you can call us for anything. You may see his face showing up. That’s all the updates from us. 

Denise Davis

If you check the WCSO Facebook page you’ll see an awesome photo of one of our officers.  

Nick Tone

So, one of our new School Resource Officers, Deputy Deloi, happened to post a picture that got a lot of traction for Valentine’s Day. I believe she had a big cardboard of candy hearts that said “Be Mine.” And she had a sign above it which said, “Slow down for our students, or you will be mine.” Yes, a very creative photo. You guys might want to go online and take a look at it. It’s pretty cool.

Denise Davis

It is a great photo. And you do not have to have a Facebook account to be able to see it. So, I urge you to check that out. Any questions for the Sheriff’s Office? Seeing none, thank you Sergeant Tone.

Nick Tone

Thank you.

Denise Davis

Okay we have a few minutes. Does anyone have anything they want to discuss, bring up, or make people aware of?

Wayne Ford

Back to this code amendment, I just remind everybody that it has a big “S” on it. That is for “Special Use.” That is going to require a notice to many people within the immediate area, much more limited noticing. But the community needs to be noticed. I’ll do the best I can to get everything out. I know others are concerned about this change of use in that area and not having a full review of it. When that is brought before the county under Special Use it has to meet certain criteria in terms of no detriment to the neighborhood. Of course, that’s a very arbitrary decision at times. But detriment is something that will happen with the change of use.

 And if you can see what goes on at our schools right now, in terms of the traffic at the high school… I used to teach there many years ago. And what happens with the elementary school and the traffic zones that are there… It is a real concern when you have two schools being proposed within that regulatory zone that are so close together. The issue of Mt Rose Highway is a huge issue in terms of that dropping down to a 15-mph zone during the winter and summer in terms of traffic flow through that area. So, it’s more than just a use and meeting a new educational requirement. It’s where it’s being proposed to be done. I’m supporting those educational requirements as a past teacher that people should have options. But where those options are exercised is a real concern for the neighborhoods and community. So, it needs to be a safe area not only for traffic but for the kids that are going there and the parents who want to pick up their students. Thank you. 

Denise Davis

Thanks, Wayne.

Kathie Julian

Could you put the link for making comments on the postal issue into the Chat right now? Thanks.

Denise Davis

Yes, we’ll see what our tech guru can do. I’ll read it again for you Kathie. It will be in the recap. But until you get the recap it is: www.surveymonkey.com/r/mpfr-reno-nv

I’ll give that to Amanda here really quickly.

Okay, last call for any other topic of conversation. I appreciate everyone being conscientious of time today, so that we can be prepared for the Board of County Commissioner vote canvass meeting. I also want to remind everyone that Monday is Presidents Day, which often means we’ll have extra visitors depending on weather. Our Fire and Sheriff are shaking their heads and they’re very excited about that.

So please, as always, be careful. Be safe. Okay, so the link for the survey is in the Chat.  So again, holiday weekend means extra visitors, and of course we have a storm coming. So please be safe and be careful. And we’ll see you on Friday March 1st. Bye.


Amanda McPhail

Ann Nichols

Brenna O’Boyle

Casey O’Neil

Chris King

Debbie Nicholas

Denise Davis

Greg Juhl

Joan Spelletich 

Joe Campbell

Kari Wingate

Kathie Julian

Michaela Tonking

Nick Tone

Pam Straley

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sam Lavine

Sharon Schrage

Tia Rancourt

Wayne Ford

Yolanda Knaak


Chat Log (I removed the direct message to Sharon Schrage): 

09:07:44     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Community Snowshoe at Diamond Peak: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/evening-snowshoe-hikes-to-snowflake-lodge/2024-03-01/

09:08:31     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Dummy Downhill Event: 

09:09:59     From Kari Wingate – Ferguson : Uphill event: https://www.diamondpeak.com/event/luggi-foeger-uphill-downhill-festival/

09:19:17     From Michaela Tonking : The NV legislature changed the law on caucusing

09:21:31     From kathie julian : https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/02/09/what-nevadas-primary-and-caucus-turnout-tells-us-voters-prefer-primaries/?emci=3fe5d7de-23cc-ee11-85f9-002248223794&emdi=40bf0b15-25cc-ee11-85f9-002248223794&ceid=91945

09:23:07     From kathie julian : Article above from Nevada Current indicates excellent turnout for the Presidential Preference Primary  Less turnout during 2024 and previous caucuses.

09:24:21     From kathie julian : This year’s primary saw a higher Republican turnout than the 2016 Nevada Republican caucus, which involved more than one viable candidate and was not held concurrently with a state-run primary. That year, approximately 75,000 people weighed in on Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and other candidates. No caucus was held in 2020.

Participation was also higher for Democrats whose ballots included an incumbent and no major challengers. President Joe Biden easily won the Democratic primary.

Approximately 133,000 voters cast ballots in the Democratic primary. That’s higher than what the Democratic party saw during its 2020 presidential caucus, where approximately 105,000 voters weighed in on a crowded field that included Biden, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg, among others.

Democratic turnout for this year’s primary also topped the 2008 caucus between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, according to the Nevada State Democratic Party. Approximately 118,000 participated in that highly competitive caucus.

09:29:43     From kathie julian : 16 person STR requested for 1059 Tiller. Go to District 1 Washoe County Applications online: https://www.washoecounty.gov/csd/planning_and_development/applications/files-planning-development/comm_dist_one/2024/Files/WSTRAR24-0002_Tiller_app.pdf

09:32:27     From kathie julian : Case Number:  WDCA23-0001 Wood Creek Regulatory Zone

Planner: Courtney Weiche, cweiche@washoecounty.gov

Planning Area: Tahoe

Tentative Hearing Date:  November 7, 2023

Reviewing Body: Planning Commission 

Outcome:  Adopted   

Hearing Date: 1st Reading January 23, 2024; 2nd Reading February 20, 2024

Reviewing Body: Board of County Commissioners  


09:35:24     From kathie julian : scom2000@sbcglobal.net    Shaun Comstock has taken lead in opposing this.

09:36:05     From Sharon Schrage : Here is the map I received

09:43:02     From Ann Nichols : https://www.mountainareapreservation.org/trpa

09:46:07     From kathie julian : MAP Challenges TRPA’s Violation of the Bi-State Compact 

and Approval of Phase 2 Housing Amendments 

Mountain Area Preservation (MAP) is legally challenging the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s (TRPA) violation of the bi-state compact, TRPA regulations, and the approval of the Phase 2 Housing Code Amendments, which could negatively impact Tahoe’s natural environment and public safety for present and future generations. These untested land use codes set a negative precedent for future workforce housing development and undermine the laws that are intended to protect the environment and further true affordable housing under the Bi-State Compact.

09:46:29     From kathie julian : The TRPA’s new regulations allow for 65 ft building heights, 100% lot coverage, unlimited density, and zero parking in Tahoe’s Town Centers, with additional incentives for Multi-Family Residential Zones outside of town centers. These flexible codes are offered for 100% affordable, moderate, or “Achievable Housing,” which is a TRPA term that includes any household, no matter their income, so long as one person works in the Tahoe basin at least 30 hours per week. As advocates with a track record of bringing workforce development to Truckee Tahoe, we must prioritize the most critical type of workforce housing while upholding social and environmental justice through land use planning codes and policies.

09:47:03     From kathie julian : ese new housing codes rely on old data, as the most recent environmental analysis was completed for the 2012 Regional Plan Update (RPU). Since then, Tahoe’s environment has declined, threats such as wildfires have worsened, and conditions have changed. The RPU did not anticipate this intensification of density and use for the workforce or tourism. The RPU focused on building out Town Centers, but unlimited density, 100% coverage, and 65-foot tall buildings were not part of the vision nor analysis. Unfortunately, Tahoe’s environmental watchdog needs watching. Our legal challenge mandates that the TRPA do its due diligence, conduct a new environmental analysis, disclose impacts, and create mitigation to offset those impacts. 

Read MAP’s FAQs for the legal, and to learn more about TRPA’s new codes and regulations and our advocacy during the public process, go to our TRPA resources page.

09:47:38     From kathie julian : https://www.mountainareapreservation.org/trpa#!

09:49:28     From kathie julian : Moving mail processing to Sacramento will exacerbate delays in delivering mail-in ballots to Washoe County Registrar of Voters in Reno.

09:54:45     From Washoe County Libraries : surveymonkey.com/r/mpfr-reno-nv


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MAP Lawsuit: https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/02/12/changes-to-tahoe-development-spur-lawsuit/


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