IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

November 19, 2021

Until further notice, the Incline Village/Crystal Bay Community Forum will be conducted every-other Friday at 9am in person and online using the meeting app Zoom.

The zoom meeting ID number is 815 3612 1755 and password is 1864:

On Friday morning at 8:55am John Crockett from the library will start the meeting. Please join before 9am so we start on time.

If you are unable to join the Zoom meeting by computer or cell phone, you may still submit issues to be discussed to Denise Davis (ddaviscab@hotmail.com).

Denise Davis – Moderator, Citizen Advisory Board Member, IVGID Ordinance 7 Member

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Zoom-master

Ronda Tycer – Recap Editor [The link to the recording of the meeting is https://youtu.be/P38xgc7PvUU]


Chris Wood

Daniel Streck

David Simon

Debi Moore

Denise Davis

John Crockett

Jon & Beth Davidson

Judy Miller

Judy Simon

Kari Ferguson

Kathie Julian

Linda Offerdahl

Margaret Martini


Ronda Tycer

Shirley Appel

Steve Dolan

Svata Trossen

Yolanda Knaak


Denise Davis – Moderator

Good Morning, everyone in person and on line. I’m Denise Davis the new moderator of the Community Forum. I’m glad to see everybody today. John Crockett from the Library is running our Zoom meeting. If you have any questions, comments, or topics, please be sure to put those in the Chat. I’d like to start out with announcements. And at the moment we have Mr. Crockett.

John Crockett – Washoe County Library, Head Librarian

Howdy everyone. Here at the library we have a magic show today at 3:30 pm. If you have any young people or—any age—who are interested in that it’s at 3:30. We have some great holiday programs coming up in December. We’re continuing to add more programs back to the library.  We have Santa coming on December 15 3-5pm for a holiday party. We have a great music program Northstar Chamber players on Tuesday December 14. Then we have a Lego-robotics program for ages 10 up. It’s 2 days Tuesday and Wednesday December 28-29th. We’re continuing to add programs. Also, the 1st week of December we’ll have a library lending kiosk being installed. So picture a vending machine for books. This will be installed just outside our front entrance. So if you come on Saturday or Sunday and need something good to read for the weekend or a DVD to check out, that will be available to anyone outside our front entrance.

Linda Offerdahal – Incline Village Crystal Bay Association Executive Director

Our overarching goal is to support the community by supporting our businesses and nonprofits. So to that order we have several different means of communication. We have the Snapshot Newsletter comes out on Wednesdays. We also have the Live Work Play magazine that comes to your home through the Post Office. I can leave some copies with John. Lots of people don’t live here, so they don’t necessarily get it. In terms of the nonprofits, we’re putting on a program called Inclined to Give, which will be a link to all the websites to give to our local nonprofits on Giving Tuesday as opposed to some of the other things. The Giving Tuesday program takes a rake. So any monies that they raise from that program will be shared with that nonprofit. You can just punch in their website, and we’re going to make that easy to do.

Right now the big news is Northern Lights. Inside Live Work Play is the whole program of numerous events. There’s our website: northernlightstahoe.com. That gives you up to the minute info. This was just put together a few weeks ago. Has everyone noticed the lighting on Tahoe Boulevard? [Yes]. That was money raised for the community. Northern Lights is sponsored by IVCBA and the IVCB Visitors Bureau. The Visitors Bureau gave us a grant.

IVGID also has numerous events during that timeframe. There is one event coming up at Sierra Nevada University on December 14th. That’s where it’s out on their patio. The WCSO will have Captain Corey Solferino. The NLTFPD will have a fire truck out there. And Donna Axton and her choir will perform a caroling sing-a-long. One piece of business news… Normally we repost what people are putting out, we don’t try to add our own content. But I happen to have a piece of information the community might find interesting that. The corner business that used to be Brewphoria… Pet Station is moving from Raley’s Center to that space. There’s a press release they just put out. The landlord there is Tahoe Emo. Most of you know Scott Flescher a lot better than that name, but that’s who’s now acquired that property and who owns that space. A press release will be forthcoming.

Margaret Martini – Incline Resident, IVGID Ordinance 7 Committee Member

Scott’s company bought the building and the building behind it.

Linda Offerdahl

Yes, that’s not new news but the Pet Station is one of the tenants.

By the way, that tree on the Ski Loft corner, when you come from the roundabout, you can see that light. You can see the lights from that corner all the way back to that point. Very nice.

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communications Coordinator

There’s an IVGID Special Board Meeting at 9 am via zoom. I will put the link to that in the chat.  We are just getting ready for holiday events. We have Santa’s Stop coming up on December 18. We work with TFS on the Brunch With Santa—which is sold out –we’re limiting ticket sales because it’s an indoor event. Information for our Santa Stop will be coming up soon. And I put the Board meeting information in the Chat. Happy Friday everyone. [Great, thanks!]

Denise Davis

Our Commissioner Alexis Hill let me know she had a conflict today, so she won’t be able to join us.

John Crockett

We do have a question in the Chat for Kari.  Is there any information on the Recreation Center pool? Is there a specific problem?

Kari Ferguson

Yes, it is a specific problem. There is a cracked piece—our pool is quite old—as everyone knows– as old as the Rec Center. And there’s only one contractor who works on this type of equipment. That contractor is in the Bay Area. Currently we’re on their list of next places to go. We think there’s one other place before us. I have no other update. The piece didn’t have to come from China, which is good news. We had to order it from the East Coast, so the chance of us getting that piece is so much better that if we had to order it from overseas. Once the contractor is here and gives us a synopsis of what’s happening, we’ll have way more information. That’s all the information I have now.

Denise Davis

The Rec Center pool is closed because of this. Kari, did you guys drain the pool or is it just not being used?

Kari Ferguson

It’s not being used currently. They can’t drain it all the way per the equipment there in the pump room. It can’t handle the drainage, so it’s got less water in it but it still has some. We’re working on it.


Do we have a Burnt Cedar pool update?

Kari Ferguson

All the information for the Burnt Cedar pool is online. I’ll put the link in the Chat. We don’t have anything recent because we’re not currently doing construction. But I’ll put the link to that renovation project in the Chat so you have a direct line to it.

Denise Davis

Okay, so now let’s move on to Updates. I’d like to get a brief 1- or 2-minute update on any meetings anyone has attended.

Judy Miller – Incline Resident, Past Citizen Advisory Board Chair

Thank you. Yesterday, the TRPA Hearing Officers meeting discussed a topic of great interest to many residents. That was regarding the Special Use Permit for TTD to use the Old Elementary School (OES) and the new Elementary School parking lots as a center of operations for the East Shore Express Sand Harbor shuttle this coming summer. There was a great deal of community input. Several people who are attending today made comments as well as there was a lot of written comment. At the end of the hearing the Hearing Officer decided to continue that item to their December 16 meeting. Jeff Cowen did announce the hearing on Facebook. But apparently the notice didn’t get out to people who aren’t on Facebook like a lot of us. So if there’s a better way to spread the message—I don’t see Jeff on this call today. Hopefully we’ll get the word out well in advance of the continuation of that item. A lot of people objected to it simply because of that location. We know that’s not the best location. I’m not going to go on and on about that. If anybody else has a comment, there will still be another opportunity next month. Staff reported there will not be the same notification to neighbors because it’s a continuation and not a new hearing.

Kathie Julian – Incline Resident, Citizen Advisory Board Co-Chair

I have a comment on that. After the meeting I spoke with TRPA Planner Bridget Cornell. I had difficulty being recognized to speak. Evidently there was a technical glitch and they didn’t see my hand up. She said the notices from TRPA or TTD don’t go out to individual apartments in the 786 Southwood complex. The notice only goes out to the owner of the apartment. I did some research and the owner is an investment corporation in San Francisco with a manager. So if the notice went to the manager in San Francisco, it’s highly doubtful it would get out to the individual households, which of course is the facility most impacted by this. I spoke to a person who lives in the complex and they hadn’t received anything.

So my query to the County now is, “What are the rules and regulations for noticing people within 750 feet or whatever the metric is they use?” Obviously it was inadequate in this case because those people in lower-income or more modest dwellings may not get the notice from their landlords. I think that’s a serious issue because it appears those people are completely left out of the loop. And any serious notice would need to be done in Spanish and probably should be dropped at the doorstep. I did say I could assemble some volunteers to help if TRPA were serious about getting the notices out. We could arrange to make sure a language appropriate notice went out to those families in those affected areas.

Denise Davis

Kathie, I’m sure we’ll be talking more about the bus hub hearing after we finish the updates. Steve did you want to give an update?

Steve Dolan – Incline Resident, Friends of Third Creek Director

Sure. And thanks for taking over this meeting. I appreciate it. There’s good news that swam up the stream this year. Some of you know we’ve had the Kokanee salmon spawning in Incline Creek since the drought of 2014. They were noticeably absent from Third Creek. The big storm we had was great because it reestablished them there this year. The storm seems to have flushed out everything. In fact it lowered the creek bed 4 feet at the mouth. But the Kokanee were found in great numbers in Third Creek for first time in 30 years. I’ve been specifically in charge of looking for them for the past 7 years. That’s good news. The head biologist Travis Hawkes said because of that, we can expect another surge in around 4 years in 2025. They will have matured enough to bring another cycle of spawners in much as has happened in Incline Creek. So that’s pretty great.

Just a little bit of education… I suspect many of you have seen the signs saying “:Keep out of Third Creek” from March to June and then from September to November, and that’s a good idea especially because they’re spawning.  My project is the Rainbow trout. I attached a URL in the Chat Box that shows exactly what’s going on in Third Creek and Incline Creek. We use both creeks to harvest the eggs from the Rainbows that we’re studying. And the study is basically because the Rainbows crossbreed with Lahontan Cutthroat trout. So studying them gives us the information we need when the Lahontan Cutthroat return. For 2 years we’ve been expecting them, this year moreso, because they—like the salmon—need a few years to mature to become a spawning group.

But regarding the sign saying “stay out of the creek,” I don’t recommend just staying out of the creek. I think it’s fine for kids to play in. So I wouldn’t get all excited about it. But I’d like to add to that notice that what we’ve seen and registered is there’s a line of fish waiting outside of these 2 creeks. By the way, UNR’s Laney Gallian is a geneticist who studies all 63 streams into Lake Tahoe. She has determined that Incline Creek and Third Creek are the two most genetically important creeks on the lake and this is basically because they never dry up. They get low so some years the spawn isn’t as good as others. But as a result of them being so genetically diverse, we actually have Rainbows and hopefully Cutthroats from April through May. We’ve got the Tahoe Orange-sided Sucker in June. We have the Lahontan Red-sided Shiner in July. We have he Tui Chub in August, the Brook trout in September, and right now the Kokanee and Brown trout are spawning in those two creeks. So they’re incredibly productive for our fisheries and stabilizing for the lake as a whole in terms of species diversity. I just thought I’d let all you guys know. And again, I’ve put the URL in the Chat Box that will connect you to an NPR show out of LV that shows Travis and the star – I can’t remember his name—but of course I’m the star. Truthfully the only reason I caught those two fish is because I know where they go. I did not seed either one of them. It will be obvious. Anyway take a look at that and you’ll get an idea of what the study is that we’re doing from March through June in Third Creek. Thank you.

Denise Davis

Thanks for the update Steve. Do check out the video—it’s’ very interesting. Captain Corey do you have anything you want to share with us?

Corey Solferino – Washoe County Sheriff Office Captain

The holiday season is upon us so…  just slow down! I apologize for being tardy this morning. There was a four-vehicle 1050 on Mt. Rose. So we just encourage everybody to drive safe. This time of year, even if the road looks dry, it’s glistening, it’s shiny, and it’s icy. It doesn’t take a whole lot of ice even with four-wheel drive to slide across the roadway. So luckily everybody is okay. But if you paid attention over the course of the last 4 weeks, we’ve had two “fatals” on Mt. Rose alone.  So just take a little bit more time. Take it slow and please be safe. Also, this is going to be my 2022 agenda: “Please do not leave unsecured firearms in your vehicles.”

Denise Davis

Before we get on to a discussion of our topics, I just want to make everyone aware that there’s been several questions and postings about bears getting into the bear boxes. Tahoe Bear Box does have a fix for that if you or you know someone who’s having a problem with bears getting into the bear box. Contact the Tahoe Bear Box Company. Their fix is free.

Also to let everyone know, the prescribed burns will resume again after Thanksgiving—weather permitting.

John, do we have any more topics suggested in the Chat Box? [No]. Okay so a topic suggested here in person is the bus hub.

Shirley Appel – Incline Resident, HOA President

First I’d like to thank Ronda very much for her input. I did not receive the TRPA hearing notice, although a number of people did. I don’t know why I didn’t get it until Wednesday—and then only through Ronda—because I live directly across the street from where this is happening. I’m very concerned about it. I’m very glad so many people have signed a petition and written letters, and we’re on the right track with it. Hopefully this meeting in December will be a good one. Thank you very much again, Ronda, for your help.

Denise Davis

So did you ever receive a notice later?

Shirley Appel

No, I didn’t receive a notice from TRPA, although Bridget Cornell said it was mailed on November 4th. I go to the post office every day, and I did not receive it.

Kathie Julian

Do you own your unit?

Shirley Appel

Yes, I do.

Denise Davis

Yes, Kathie, Shirley Appel owns her unit. So she would be the owner listed.

John Crockett

Kari mentioned in the Chat that the TRPA meeting was not addressing construction of the bus hub, it was only addressing the Sand Harbor shuttle.

Yolanda Knaak – Incline Resident

I was on the meeting yesterday too, and actually I want to say, that this is the first time someone seemed interested in what we were saying. It seems like all the other meetings we had with Alexis Hill and whoever, it was like they were “push-push-push this through.” This is the 1st time they’re actually going to take a look at what we have to say. So I recommend we get thousands of letters in to TRPA in the next couple of weeks. I think we should start now. The meeting is on December 16.

Kathie Julian

I have a comment. I think we need to be careful here because this meeting on December 16th is merely to look at that temporary permit.  Bridget made it very clear in my conversation with her afterwards, they are only looking at the temporary use of the two sites—new and old elementary schools— for the summer permit for the East Shore Express. This is not a discussion of the mobility hub or the long-term plan. So any criticism of the Special Use Permit issuance needs to focus on the specific request for these two sites to be used for a temporary purpose for that summer shuttle. We need to be very focused on why. In my view, the Old Elementary School (OES) site is inappropriate for that. The new elementary school site for parking and a bus pulling up may be very appropriate on Village Avenue. It is—in my view— just this particular location for a temporary use. But one needs to stay focused on the Special Use Permit and the specific request.

Denise Davis

Thank you for your clarification, Kathie. I neglected to mention we have two separate issues on that property.

Steve Dolan

Thank you. Related to this permit, first of all, it is somewhat pertinent to the purchase and the bus hub in the sense it establishes a previous like-use for that OES property. That’s an important link in justifying their future bus hub there. Secondly, and not so importantly, you probably read their permit request for their East Shore Shuttle (ESE). It starts out with a description –this is just ammo for you guys—one is they say it’s “Non Fee,” which is not true. I’ve paid the fee. The other one says it is not in an earthquake area, and anyone who’s been here long enough knows they did a study where that piece of property dropped 10 feet and slid 13 feet 500 years ago because it’s on one of Incline’s largest fault lines. So that’s more ammo for you. Thank you.

Margaret Martini

Is there a petition out that we can sign instead of flooding them with thousands of letters?  

Shirley Appel

I did sign a petition yesterday regarding this. As far as the special permit being only for 1 year, we know that’s not true. We know that this is going to be just the first step in what they want to accomplish. From what I understand, they’ve already bought the school.

Denise Davis

The Washoe County School District has voted to sell the property to TTD.

Shirley Appel

So we know that this “temporary” Special Use Permit is not going to be a temporary use. And I happen to live right across the street from the OES.

Denise Davis

Where did you sign the online petition? Can you get to me the information about where the online petition is?

Shirley Appel

I believe Ronda is the one who sent it out to me.

Denise Davis

Ronda do you have the information for the online petition?

Ronda Tycer – Incline Resident, IVCB Community Forum Recap Editor

She’s referring to the old change.org petition that Allyson Willoughby started. It has now been signed by more than 1430 Incline residents. I will be speaking with Allyson about possibly starting a new one. So thank you Shirley for signing the old one.

Shirley Appel

I want to say that another resident in our condo complex also did not receive the TRPA meeting notification.

Denise Davis

And Ronda just to clarify, the old petition was about the mobility hub, not the Temporary Special Use Permit.

Ronda Tycer

Correct. It is purely talking about the inappropriateness of a bus hub at the OES.

Denise Davis

So a new petition would be needed to address the Special Use Permit.

Ronda Tycer


Judy Miller

Thanks. I’m back on the mobility hub, not the Special Use Permit, but they are interrelated. The item I talked about yesterday at the meeting was something I think we’ve heard here before from Sara Schmitz, that part of TRPA’s goal is to reduce the amount of travel in the Tahoe Basin. And if there’s a parking lot, it actually brings more traffic into the Basin. Instead those intercept lots should be in Carson and Reno. I suspect a large percentage of the ridership is from those two locales. If we could keep those cars out of the Basin altogether—and really start transportation in Reno and Carson City rather than starting it here in Incline, that would alleviate—especially in light of the accidents we’ve witnessed—some of the traffic and hopefully some of the fatalities that seem to be occurring with more frequency. So that is a concept that I hope will gain popularity. There’s no need for a bus hub and parking if we would get the riders to get on the bus in those large population areas.

Ronda Tycer

A couple of things. First off, just to echo Judy, last summer the Visitors Bureau sponsored an on-demand (call from your cell) micro-transit shuttle that had 10,000+ riders. It was extremely successful. Shuttles were parked overnight at the Washoe County Sheriff substation on Rte 431. There was no need for a huge parking lot. There was plenty of space for shuttles to park overnight. So that’s what we’ve been advocating for Incline. We know tourists need to run around. It was great because a lot of residents also used that shuttle. We’re not trying to get rid of all the tourists and all of the shuttles. We just want the OES property to be used more thoughtfully and more in service of the community.

The other thing is I’ve just received a notification from Jeff Church, our Trustee on the Washoe County School District Board, who said they are going to rehear the request to sell the property on Tuesday. I’ve put that information into the Chat. It may have had to do with the fact that not a single person in Incline Village knew of the first meeting. I was quick to point out that no one in Incline was notified. It may be a CYA they’re going to reconsider that, or there may be other reasons. Everyone needs to be aware of that, and I’ll be putting out a notice to our group. Thank you.

John Crockett

We have a comment in the Chat from Debi Moore.  The Boys and Girls Club has had summer programs at the Incline Elementary School, so I’ll look to see if the ESE parking will affect that program. She’s on the board of the Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe.

And Kathie agreed with Judy’s comment, that it’s the “long game.” But in order to challenge this Special Use Permit request, one needs to challenge that particular permit.

Denise Davis

Ronda do you want to let everyone know the email address to contact you to ensure they get that information?

Ronda Tycer

Right. It is rondatycer@aol.com.

Denise Davis

So you’ll have the details on the meeting when this will be discussed again.

Ronda Tycer


Yolanda Knaak

Ronda is it possible for you to send the petition with the 1400 signatures to each of the school board trustees?

Ronda Tycer

Yes, of course.

Kathie Julian

I just want to clarify. My point is that while I agree it’s the long game, it’s very clear you have to challenge this particular use permit, and not get caught up in discussions of the longer term mobility hub proposal. And I would ask people to think about—we do want to have an East Shore Express running from somewhere in Incline Village, so where might there be alternatives? And that could be part of the conversation as well as explaining why this current permit request for a temporary use is inappropriate for that one particular site on Southwood and Oriole. I think that needs to be the approach.

Judy Miller

I understand the process. But I think the process has findings that must be made, and one of the findings is that the proposal must “do no harm” and not harm the community or the safety of its members. And I think for the same reasons that the bus hub is inappropriate, the summer shuttle activity is also inappropriate. It brings too many cars into a congested area, so we can use those same arguments to oppose the temporary use as well.

Steve Dolan

Yes, thank you. Well I was wondering what it was. It’s the summertime use for the Boys and Girls club that makes the new Incline Elementary School inappropriate. As far as other programs, there probably are some, because I see that parking lot used a lot during summer—and not just the bench from which they’re picking people up. So I would agree both the OES and the new pick-up center on Village for the summer use permit are inappropriate. I can’t for the life of me think of any other place that would be better. Somewhere near Raley’s I’d guess because we don’t have a grocery store for people to go to down at the Post Office. If in fact they want to do a little gravel work, possibly those two spots across from the skate park which would be better and which we recommended in the past for a permanent use… that’s a different topic. But for the summer permit, does anyone have any idea where there might be access besides Diamond Peak or Duffield’s property? Those are the only other two places I can think of.

Ronda Tycer

You don’t need a stop if you use the circulating shuttles. And that’s my point. We had 10,000 people using those shuttles in Incline last summer. So why do we need a place other than for those shuttles to be stored overnight? They are on-demand shuttles. You use your cell phone to call and tell where you’re at. They have these circulating shuttles that will pick you up and take you where you want to go. I’m confused about why we need a specific spot to pick up people to take them to the East Shore Recreation venues?

Steve Dolan

I may be able to answer that. Four or five years ago Nevada Highway Patrol worked with Sand Harbor to limit the cars parking on the sides of the road near Sand Harbor because it was so bad. In the process, they started the East Shore Express at the OES. So maybe the parking they’re talking about is for all the people who are trying to go to Sand Harbor, but it’s full because they won’t expand parking there. So those people would naturally come to Incline Village and park at random wherever they wanted. And I think that’s the sole reason for needing a parking lot for the people who are going to use the shuttle. But as we’ve seen on Southwood, they not only use the parking area there but then they go out into the neighborhoods when it’s full. And it ruins it for Shirley and lots of other people. That’s my input as far as why they might need a parking lot. They do if they’re going to have this.

Ronda Tycer

But they could bring people as Judy is suggesting from Carson City and Reno to those places. There could be stops all along the East Shore for buses that bring the people from outside the Basin. I think that’s Judy’s point as well. Just a consideration, we don’t need the cars inside the Basin. We don’t want the cars inside Incline. So we need to be thinking outside the box and outside the Basin as far as I can see. Thank you.

Denise Davis

I think with the remodels and improvements going on at Spooner, I think part of the plan is to have that serve as a parking area, and to get people onto the TTD bus parking area and on to the buses to go around the lake. That’s several years down the road.

John Crockett

We have other comments in the Chat and Shirley has her hand raised. In the comments, Jon Davidson says, “I believe that St. Patrick’s people use the New Elementary school lot on Sundays—and perhaps other times.”

Kari from IVGID comments “I believe that you are referring to Tart Connect. This is related to the Sand Harbor shuttle. Two separate shuttles. The Sand Harbor shuttle didn’t run last year because of a driver shortage.

Denise Davis

Yes, last week’s newspaper reported that the Visitors Bureau won an award for starting the Tart Connect, and the Incline Village leg Section C was the most used portion of the new Tart Connect service. It’s scheduled to end December 9 for this year. It was a pilot program this year. I’m not sure Tart Connect actually took people to Sand Harbor. So for the Tart Connect the boundary limit is Sand Harbor, but I don’t believe they were dropping people off at Sand Harbor. Due to the success of that program, I would hope we see that again.

Shirley Appel

From what I understand Tart Connect doesn’t go to Sand Harbor.

Steve Dolan

It has been in consideration though as a drop off point.

Denise Davis

Another question I have is that I know the ESE has been running from OES to Sand Harbor for a number of years. And I do know that they have used the new elementary school as an overflow area. But was the new elementary school ever designated in the Special Use Permit as it is designated this time?

Ronda Tycer


Judy Miller

There was no Special Use Permit. The TTD operated for years without going through required procedures.

Denise Davis


Linda Offerdahl

Does anyone remember that the Reno Transportation Commission (RTC) had a shuttle in place last year? It went from Summit Mall to Sand Harbor. I don’t think it ever got off the ground. But I think that’s the place to start for that shuttle from Reno. Go back to them and ask if they’re going to run that again. They had several stops in Incline Village. Personally I was upset because I thought it should be for workforce transportation, but that’s not what it was for. It was simply to get people from Reno to Sand Harbor.

Steve Dolan

Once again we’re mixing topics. That was specifically to bring people from Reno and required a phone call to make a reservation to get up here. The permit they’re trying to get now is the East Shore Express, which is a separate service.

Linda Offerdahl

I understand, but I think the problem of getting people from Reno to Sand Harbor is … RTC can do that.

Denise Davis

RTC would primarily deal with people outside the Basin. The TTD is dealing with people in the Basin. I don’t know how much communication they have between the two.

Judy Miller

I brought up that point yesterday. In fact it was well received I believe by the Hearings Officer. I asked what coordination effort has been made between Reno and Carson City Transportation providers? Unfortunately when the Hearing Officer asked that of Mr. George Fink (TTD) he admitted there really hasn’t been much effort in that direction. And yes, last year’s attempt by RTC to provide that Summit Mall to Sand Harbor wasn’t well received. It had to be reserved in advance. And we know that people don’t like to do that. They don’t know exactly what time they’ll be able to get their kids together, or whatever. It needs to be ongoing service between Reno and the Basin, and between Carson City and the Basin. And there has to be coordination. That’s the problem and one of things that hasn’t been done and needs to be done.

Margaret Martini

… With specific time schedules. If you say we’re leaving Summit Mall at 10am and leaving Sand Harbor at 11am – Here’s the time from here; here’s the time from there. And it goes back and forth every 3 hours or maybe even 2 hours. It needs to be a specific schedule, not by reservation.

Denise Davis

I assumed from the discussions about the RTC bus it was on a schedule. And it ended up being “call and make a reservation.”

Margaret Martini

And that’s ridiculous. It only takes 6 people at a time.

Denise Davis

I think that was partly due to COVID that they had a limit of 6 people.

Ronda Tycer

 My understanding is that RTC promoted that service by guaranteeing you would get into Sand Harbor. So the message was if you want to get into Sand Harbor, you need to be on this bus, because otherwise Sand Harbor is going to be full. I think that’s why they needed to be reserved, because they had to coordinate with Sand Harbor that they were bringing in these people.

Denise Davis

That could be part of it but I think the limit was also influenced by COVID as to how many people they could have together on the bus. So maybe the RTC plan got altered because of COVID. Maybe they had a different original plan that couldn’t be implemented because of COVID. That is something you’ll need to check into.

Shirley Appel

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I heard that Mr. Hasty owns the buses that come from South Lake Tahoe.

Ronda Tycer

I think Mr. Hasty denied that. I haven’t heard any more but I heard that rumor about a year ago. I think he gave a specific denial.

Shirley Appel

Thank you.

Denise Davis

Is there any other comment or topic anyone would like to discuss?

Kathie Julian

I put something into the Chat. I was speaking with Washoe County Planning and there may be a neighborhood meeting called by the developer of the planned condo on 28 and Southwood near the skate park sometime in mid- December. It would then go to the Board of Adjustment sometime in January or February. So just be on the lookout if you’re interested in that planned development on that corner. It raises some questions about the need for controls and traffic management if you have more development on that street corner. I’m just putting it on people’s radar screen. It’s not clear to me how it’s going to be noticed.

Judy Simon – Incline Resident, TRPA Advisory Planning Committee Member, CAB Alternate

I’ve been working on the issue of herbicides in Tahoe Keys. We will have a discussion of that with a couple of experts—one from TRPA and one from IVGID— at the next CAB meeting December 6 at 5:30 pm.

Judy Miller

I want to know if we have an update regarding the TRPA Housing Committee. They were going to make recommendations on changes on the Nevada side as far as the Accessory Dwelling Units. Judy I see you have your hand up. Go ahead.

Judy Simon

I attended the last meeting and heard the reports and there were some revisions but nothing that affects us in Washoe County or Douglas County either. Washoe is on hold because of the discussions they’ve had about short-term rentals (STRs). But clearly the sentiment is not to create housing that will foster STRs at the expense of workforce housing.

John Crockett

Judy, Alexis Hill has scheduled a follow-up meeting that is talking about the community land-trust model being implemented in South Lake Tahoe. And that is Monday January 24. It will be a small group of folks who are on the Tahoe Housing Committee who will meet to continue to discuss that.

Ronda Tycer

The owner who is building the 40-unit condominium has offered to come to the Community Forum and talk to us. I’ll have Denise reach out to him. He can explain anything we would like to know about, and we can ask him questions at that point.

Denise Davis

Great. We’re close to 10am so last call for any quick announcements, quick comments, quick updates. All right, then Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe. And we’ll see you in 2 weeks.

Chat Box:

Steve Dolan to Everyone (8:59 AM)

NPR third creek video https://youtu.be/rWJ9ddvWL8I

Jon & Beth Davidson to Everyone (9:00 AM)

I see it

IVGID Communications to Everyone (9:00 AM)

Yes. It works

IVGID Communications to Everyone (9:08 AM)


Judith Miller to Everyone (9:09 AM)

Can Kari give us an update on the pool? Specific problem?

Judith Simon to Everyone (9:09 AM)

Can IVGID give an update on the status of the pool?

Kathie Julian to Everyone (9:11 AM)

Do we have any representative from Washoe County on this call?  Understand that our Commissioner may have another meeting, but great if one of the staff could join briefly to provide updates. Thanks

Jon & Beth Davidson to Everyone (9:12 AM)

Jon Davidson is here

Washoe County Library to Everyone (9:13 AM)

Hi Kathie, I can ask that Alexis’s reps, Candee Ramos and Marc Dela Torre be here if she cannot. Would join briefly to provide update.  Thanks

IVGID Communications to Everyone (9:13 AM)


Burnt cedar pool link is above:)

Jon & Beth Davidson to Everyone (9:13 AM)

Beth Davidson is participating in our McCloud owners meeting

Washoe County Library to Everyone (9:13 AM)

Thanks Jon.  And thank you Kari!

Kathie Julian to Everyone (9:15 AM)

Also, since TRPA has such an impact on our community, might we formally request a TRPA representative to join for perhaps 15 minutes or so by Zoom?

IVGID Communications to Everyone (9:15 AM)

I also posted the link on Nextdoor

Chris Wood to Everyone (9:16 AM)

TRPA’s Public Information Officer has appeared in the past at this forum.

Washoe County Library to Everyone (9:18 AM)

Denise did invite Jeff/TRPA as well as other agencies reps to this meeting.  *agency reps

IVGID Communications to Everyone (9:26 AM)

The TRPA meeting was not related to the Bus hub. It was only addressing the Sand Harbor shuttle.

Judith Miller to Everyone (9:27 AM)

There was a comment made at the TRPA meeting that the special use permit would establish the use and was required by NDOT as part of the grant process.

Debi Moore to Everyone (9:30 AM)

Boys and Girls Club has had summer programs at current Incline Elementary School so I will check to see if this parking would affect that program. I am on the board of the BGCNLT.

Kathie Julian to Everyone (9:32 AM)

Judy, Agree that is the long game.  But in order to challenge this special use permit request, one needs to challenge that particular permit request.  This is how the TRPA Board looks at the issue.

Washoe County Library to Everyone (9:38 AM)

To get information about the upcoming TRPA meeting on the TTD Special Use Permit, email:


Jon & Beth Davidson to Everyone (9:42 AM)

I believe that St. Patrick’s people use the New Elementary school lot n Sundays-perhaps other times

IVGID Communications to Everyone (9:43 AM)

I believe that you are referring to Tart Connect. This is related to Sand harbor shuttle. Two separate shuttles. Sand harbor shuttle didn’t run last year because of a driver shortage

Kathie Julian to Everyone (9:48 AM)

Steve, the two locations across from the skate park on Hwy 28 are privately owned and are under plans for condo development.  One site is proposed to be 40 upscale condo units.  A permit for this is pending with Washoe county.  The other parcel on Hwy 28 has a sign that suggests it is available for luxury units. 

Kathie Julian to Everyone (9:54 AM)

There is a potential public meeting on the 40 unit condo development at Northwood and Southwood on Hwy 28 near the skate park.  Developers may schedule this for mid-December.

Washoe County Library to Everyone (9:58 AM)

Next IV/CB Community Forum is Friday, December 3 at 9 am.

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