Incline Village residents sent written comments resulting in TRPA’s decision to delay action until December 16th on Tahoe Transportation District’s (TTD’s) request for a Special Use Permit to operate the East Shore Express shuttle to/from Sand Harbor. This will allow time to consider all of the written input. Several residents living near the Old Elementary School property contradicted TTD’s Initial Environmental Checklist that claimed the East Shore Express shuttle service does not negatively impact their neighborhood. While TRPA appears to have followed its requirements to mail notifications to all property owners within 300 feet of the Old Elementary School property, notifications were not mailed to those who rent units at 786 Southwood, a large rental apartment complex with about 90 apartment units.
Next Hearing December 16 at 2pm
The TRPA Hearing Officers heard widespread opposition to the East Shore Express at the Old Elementary School property and its effects on the lives of our residents. They do not intend to send a meeting notification to property owners or those who rent since they consider the December 16th meeting as a continuation of the November 18th hearing.
If you haven’t provided your input, you may write