IV/CB Community Forum Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2021

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

John Crockett – Washoe County Library Zoom-master

Ronda Tycer – Recap Editor [The link to the recording of the meeting is

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

I’d like to start out with announcements first so we don’t forget anybody. John do you have any?

John Crockett – Washoe County Library, Head Librarian

Just a reminder that the library is now open 10-6 Monday through Friday for in-branch services.  We just ask folks to keep a mask on and keep visits to 1 hour or less. We have computers, printing, and wifi, and you can browse our beautiful stacks once again.

Also, the Incline Community Center next door reopens on June 1st.  The meeting rooms are available for reservation. Our rooms at the library are currently not. But folks can Google Incline Village Community Center. The meeting room reservation link is there and they have thee different sized rooms. Anytime you’d like to do the Forum as a hybrid we can allow folks to join by zoom and also if they prefer to attend in person, we can do that at the Community Center this summer.

Ryan Sommers – North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Chief

We’ve closed open burning.  No more open burning in the District. We’re starting up

the chipping program. We’ve updated our website with a link to Washoe County STRs and the Fire Department’s involvement in that.

Peter Todoroff

One of my constituents wants to know what’s happening on Southwood where they’re clearing out brush. He mentioned you were going to find out about that. Can you explain to the community what they’re doing?

Ryan Sommers

We did drive by there and it is a complete mess. I don’t know of any contractor that would cut a tree and leave a 3’ stump. It is a complete mess. My Division Chief is on the County website. We’re trying to get hold of the owner and find out what’s going on, and tell them they need to finish it. I don’t know if any permits have been given on that parcel. I don’t know if this is their attempt at defensible space and cleaning it up. That would be a good thing but you can’t cut and leave. You have to cut and take it out. That’s going to be our stance going in there. Have them go in and totally clean it up. There’s some flagging around some areas, and I have a feeling they got into a couple of areas that had beehives. And they may be waiting for that to mitigate itself. When our guys do fuels work and come to a pocket of beehives, it’s a nasty thing. We are looking to get to the bottom of it. It was brought to my attention just yesterday.

Peter Todoroff

Has TRPA been notified about this?  Don’t they have to mark trees for cutting?

Ryan Sommers

Every tree we’ve found cut is within the allowed 6” in diameter or 100% dead. We haven’t contacted TRPA yet, we’re trying to get more information first before we go out there, throw a grenade and run. That’s not my style.

Kari Ferguson _ Incline Village General Improvement District, Communication Coordinator

I want to say thanks to anyone who was on our virtual IVGID Ordinance 7 Community Forum last night. I appreciate you going to that.  Next week on Wednesday we have two more virtual community forums: one at noon and one at 5:30.  I will send the registration information to Peter.

Ronda Tycer

I have a question for Ryan from Steve Price. He was also concerned about the plot over where they were planning to put in the cell tower that we protested on Village Boulevard.  He said there’s a mess over there with branches cut and a variety of things. I just want to know if we can find something out for Steve Price.

Ryan Sommers

So he’s the one who contacted me as well. That’s the exact parcel we’ve been talking about. It’s one and the same.

Anthony Micelli – Washoe County Sheriff Office, Lieutenant

Hi Peter. This is Anthony with the WCSO. I’ll give you a quick introduction. I’m the acting Incline Commander right now, and just recently took over Incline. Thanks to the generous donation, Cory Solferino  who will be promoted to Captain in July.  Then we’ll have a full time lieutenant—and hopefully I’ll transition into that position. The plan is to have a total of 5 sergeants and several deputies stationed permanently in Incline Village.  We’re hoping to have the supervisory staff in place sometime in July with the rest of the deputies and sergeant staff following in the first 3 months or so of next year. Part of that team includes a Field Support Specialist. We just hired Tiffany Clemens for that position after Leslie Barnes retired. Tiffany Clemens lives in Incline so she will be transitioning into that position in July. She’s in training now.

We’re going to get Marine 9 up and running. We want Marine 9 to have a presence on the water. We’re planning to get the boat on the water Memorial Day weekend and every weekend throughout the summer until Labor Day.

Just so you know a bit about me, I’ve been with the WCSO for 23 years. I started my patrol up in Incline and spent several years in Incline so I’m very familiar with Incline.

I’ve been out of the game in Incline just because of different assignments I’ve had throughout my career, but I’ve always loved working in Incline and I’m excited to be back up there.

Peter Todoroff – Moderator

So will the substation be staffed with personnel all year round or what?

Anthony Micelli

Yes. We’ll have a captain, a lieutenant, 5 sergeants, and around 15 deputies full time in Incline Village.

Sara Schmitz – Incline Village General Improvement District, Trustee

I just want to say thank you so much for all the efforts of the deputies up here in Incline Village. I have noticed people slowing down. I think that’s good for all of us—pedestrians and bikers. I know it’s a tough job. I just want to say thank you from all of us, we are grateful—with speeding up and down Country Club or First Green, or wherever. We do appreciate your efforts trying to slow people down. So thank you.

Anthony Micelli

Thank you I appreciate that. I’d like to elaborate a little on that. Part of the plan resulting from the donation for staffing is that we will have 2 full time motor deputies to enforce traffic and accidents. Those deputies are currently finishing their training program on motorcycles right now in Reno and by July they will be up in IV full-time for traffic control.

Peter Todoroff

I have a question for Jeff Cowen of the TRPA. I mentioned this before about the Old Elementary School (OES). Whenever the use of a property changes to a different use, you need to do an environmental impact study (EIS).  I’d like to know why the OES never had that done because it was definitely a different use of the property during the summer. Instead of taking school children to school in the morning and after school to home, the East Shore Express took people back and forth to Sand Harbor every half hour or so. Why wasn’t an EIS done?

Jeff Cowen – Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Public Information Officer

The research I did on that, is the way TRPA handled that was as the movement of a transit stop from one location to another, which always happens in the right of way and which is exempt under the Roadway Memorandum of Understanding with whatever the jurisdiction is—TRPA for years has been assigned delegation and exempt MOUs with public agencies. If you’re just going to go and replace a stoplight or something like that you don’t need a TRPA permit because you’re going to follow… implement the code for us. That’s the way this was handled. That’s the only information I have.

Right now we’ve asked for TTD to go through a temporary use permit process for the use of that site. With feedback from you guys we’re making sure we keep everyone involved informed completely as that temporary-use permit proceeds through the process. So hopefully you’ll be hearing about that. I wish I had more details, but because it was considered exempt, TRPA wasn’t really involved in it. 

Peter Todoroff

Has anyone from TRPA gone to Southwood across the street from the OES to see the parking problems they have at that apartment complex? Has anyone done that? That’s the way you can do an “environmental impact study” just by driving down that street. It’s a disaster. Because that apartment complex is using Southwood as an extended parking lot because they don’t have enough room. Believe me it’s a hazard. Without an EIS and nobody taking a look at this issue before they force a bus hub down the community’s throat… maybe they should get out and take a look at the situation before any approvals of anything. Does that make sense to you Jeff?

Jeff Cowen

Yes, sure. I’ll find out but more than likely TRPA hasn’t looked at the site through the right lens.

I have a couple of other quick notes. The predictions for drought and wildfire and low water this year are a big topic for TRPA and our recreation partners and partners in public land management.  We’re trying to educate and get everyone to understand we’re probably going to be facing one of the highest-risk wildfire-years yet. Nationally last year at this time there were 14,000 wildfires. So far this year we’ve had 20,000. I know Ryan’s on the call so I don’t want to speak too much, but the fuels are drier than they typically are in September-November.  So wildfire danger is going to be very high this year. Watch for red-flag warnings. Watch for bans on charcoal and wood fires. Just try to be extra vigilant this summer.

And low water has already closed one boat ramp on the south shore and they could be closing another one on the north shore—we’ll know later today. We’re still expecting a really busy boating season. So boaters are going to be funneled into one or two different ramps. We’re trying to see if we can get private partnerships to alleviate pressure on some of the public ramps.

Sustainable recreation and managing tourism and recreation are again top concerns for us, and something we’re working very closely on. The State Route 28 corridor plan is being implemented but it will be phased in in stages. We’re hoping this year we’ll have the same or higher level of parking enforcement. Sand Harbor is changing their operations. Spooner Summit will have construction going on but the Spooner Lake parking lot will be open most of the summer. I’m speaking on behalf of many agencies here because we’re partnering with them.

Denise Davis – Incline Village Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board, Member

I have a question for Lieutenant Micelli and Fire Chief Sommers. I’ve been in the neighborhood of the OES quite a bit. Cars are parking at the Tahoe Incline Apartments  in the ingress and egress—especially along Southwood—which is a concern for getting ambulances, fire trucks, or any kind of emergency vehicles in there. If a fire gets started in those apartments, if a fire truck can’t get in, that will be the fire that decimates Incline. What can we do to make sure these parking areas that are overfilled still have emergency access?

Anthony Micelli

We at the Sheriff’s Office are aware of the parking problems and concerns all around Incline. We’re looking at different ways of addressing it. We can issue citations on the vehicles, but that doesn’t move the vehicles or address the issue—whether it’s control factors like “no parking” signs and immediately towing the vehicle or what have you. We have to be careful if they’re on private property to work with the owners. It is definitely something we’re aware of and are looking into it. I don’t know if Ryan has additional information from the Fire side, but from the Sheriff’s side, we are aware of it and coming up with a plan to address it.

Ryan Sommers

Thanks Lieutenant. I appreciate that. The Lieutenant hit the nail on the head as far as private property. We can look at the ingress and egress issue. The Fire Marshal is aware of that property. As we’ve talked about in this meeting for a while—and the Lieutenant is aware of it—not having an impound lot to tow these cars to is a huge issue. Right now you can put a ticket on the windshield—but it’s hard.

If we do have an incident, and there are cars parked not allowing us in, we do have tow chains and we’ll get the cars out of the way and mitigate the issue for sure if we have to go in for an emergency response. But we’re monitoring it, we’re keeping an eye on it, and I appreciate the email you sent to me. It is on the radar.

And ifI can add one thing, when Jeff was talking about the TRPA announcements. Kari, I’m the Chairman of the Lake Tahoe Regional Chiefs and we are actively working on a basin-wide fire restriction policy. Our goal is that it’s going to be the same. But in all honesty, we’re dealing with the Federal, two states, and local, trying to get everyone on the same page down to the last dotted I and crossed T. It is not easy. Thanks Jeff for bringing that up. We’re very nervous. What we call the 1000-hour fuels—the trees—because it takes 1000 hours for the fuel moisture to change 1%—are the lowest we’ve ever seen. And I was born and raised up here so, we’re nervous. I’m getting more grey hair every day just thinking about it.

Ronda Tycer – IV Forum Recap Editor

I’d just like to remind everyone that instead of towing we have suggested the use of the Denver boot or whatever it’s called. Prior to the recent increase in police protection thanks to Mr. Duffield, there was a reluctance to consider the boot. Now it sounds like there’s going to be someone at the Sheriff substation all the time. So it would be possible to implement that enforcement policy. If someone is illegally parked, they get booted. Maybe we can just reconsider that possibility.

Kristina Hill – Washoe County Board of Adjustment, Member

I have a question for Jeff.  It seems like the TRPA has become super busy. When you email someone, you get an automated response. Do you know how long the review time is for a single-family home addition? Is that still 120 days?

Jeff Cowen

They are keeping it as close to 120 days as possible. That is measured from the time we receive a complete application. Not with experienced people like you, Kristina, but it does happen that people submit an application and it is not complete. We go back and forth asking for more information. The clock on the 120 days doesn’t start until the application is considered complete.

We are busier than in memory. We are training staff and moving staff over to Planning to try to take some of the load off of permitting, but the volume is high of phone calls and inquiries and emails of people trying to just get a sense of where do I start, how do I start. That’s where you might have heard the automated emails and voice recordings. We’ve let people know that it may take 72 hours for us to get back to them because the volume of phone calls was so high it was detracting from our ability to process the permits. That’s where we’re at right now. We’re adding staff to try to alleviate the problem. We’ve asked the planners to focus on the permits they have in, and to get back to people as fast as they can, but not answer the phone every time. Those phone calls can get pretty involved, as you know from your time with TRPA.

Kristina Hill

Right. Is there any chance you’ll be going back to the office or is everyone going to stay remote?

Jeff Cowen

We’re opening the office as of Tuesday this week, and anybody who wants to go in can. Will the front counter reopen for people to come in and drop off applications? It’s unlikely. We may keep the remote appointment system—If you needed an appointment—you dropped off plans and make an appointment—We may not be opening the front counter the way that we used to.

It is likely that we’ll open the Incline Village office again, but we don’t know any schedule for when that may happen. The Washoe County Planning Department applied for and recently got approved for what’s called an Area Plan under the Regional Plan. So last month the Board approved the Washoe County Area Plan and this will significantly streamline permitting for single-family dwellings in Incline Village. You’ll have one-stop-shopping. You’ll be able to get a TRPA permit at Washoe County.

Kristina Hill

So is there an MOU with Washoe County?

Jeff Cowen

There will be an adopted Area Plan but I don’t know whether we do MOUs when there’s an Area Plan. The Regional Plan just says, “If there’s an Area Plan, here’s the way it works.”

Kristina Hill

Could I submit a residential-addition application to Washoe County today?

Jeff Cowen

No. After the approval, it’s a minimum of 60 days to get the code into effect. I’ll find out how close they are to getting it up and running for their residential permitting for TRPA. I’m not sure what the plan is.

Kristina Hill

I thought the APC just reviewed it yesterday or Wednesday. So has the Governing Board already approved it?

Jeff Cowen

I think the APC heard it a month ago, and the Governing Board heard it last month.

Kristina Hill

That’s great news but I don’t think Washoe County’s any faster.  

Jeff Cowen

But if it cuts one process out, that’s a 100% improvement.

Bruce Townsend – IVGID Ordinance 7 Committee, Member

I have a question for Jeff. The property that used to be Incline Realty at 930 Tahoe Boulevard sold. And now they’re using it for boat storage. Is that an approved use for that property?

Jeff Cowen

I’ll find out. I’m trying to think. I heard something about this. I don’t have enough detail on it.

Bruce Townsend

There are 7 or 8 boats down there now at 930 Tahoe Boulevard that used to be Incline Realty.

Peter Todoroff

Maybe you could send me something on that Jeff. I’d like to pass out that information. Whenever you have a different use of property, it has to go through TRPA. Apparently, the owners just decided to do something without anyone knowing about it. Find out and let me know and I’ll pass it out to the rest of the community.

Sara Schmitz

Mr. Cohen, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe TRPA in 2004 classified short-term rentals (STRs) as being equivalent to any other residential use. But back in 2004 STRs were handled in a very different way than they are now. Now it’s become institutionalized. We’ve got Airbnb and the climate has significantly changed since 2004.

The summer tourist season is now beginning. As you know I have a STR next to me. I understand TRPA’s mission is to protect the lake and try to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs) on our roads. Now that the season has begun, the property next to me has started parking 8 vehicles there all the time.

TRPA needs to reevaluate the environmental impacts of STRs. You never did a review back in 2004 when you classified STRs as a residential use. But everything has changed. I think that TRPA isn’t fulfilling its duty to protect the lake and reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled. Homes that were second-homes or full-time residences don’t have 8 cars coming and going on a daily basis. 

I think that TRPA needs to take up the hard and difficult task of doing an environmental study of STRs around the entire Tahoe Basin. It’s having a huge impact on the quality of our environment, the cleanliness of our environment, and our lake.

Jeff Cowen

I don’t know if you need me to comment on that but I certainly hear you. The way we’ve approached things like STRs is we’ve left it as a zoning issue for the local jurisdictions. Whenever possible from a regional perspective, it’s just not helpful when we get down to the nitty-gritty of zoning issues like that. We tried through the Washoe County Area Plan and other Area Plans around the Basin to get more to the regional level and less to the local parcel-by-parcel level when we can. So what our Regional Plan—Local Governing Committee and Governing Board said is while we still want to make sure that the counties and local jurisdictions are managing STRs—that they have their own programs—that they’re not just leaving them be. So we tied the allocations that we distribute every year to part of the performance review of each jurisdiction. Washoe County was one of the only jurisdictions until this year that had not started a STR program. We did withhold some of their allocations that get distributed every year as part of the review process. But they are starting one, so if it meets the criteria then we can go back to issuing the full complement of allocations next year. That’s the way we’ve approached it to this point. The book is not closed.

Sara Schmitz

Jeff, with all due respect, TRPA is the one who changed the residential zoning and made the classification for STRs a residential use. So TRPA did get involved. TRPA is the entity that made the statement that an STR is the equivalent of a residential use. TRPA is the one who started all of this. And I don’t think it’s right for TRPA to now just back away and say it’s other jurisdiction’s responsibility. TRPA is supposed to be protecting the environment of the Basin. I think it’s time TRPA steps up to the plate and truly conducts an environmental study.

You know for Washoe County, to say you’re withholding allocations means nothing. Washoe County doesn’t need any allocations. Incline is built out. We have more allocations than we need. We argued that tying any sort of enforcement to allocations in Washoe County is not going to do anything that changes the direction and has an impact on Washoe County’s decision making.

Kathie Julian – IVCB Citizen Advisory Board, Member

My first question is about the 120-day requirement for permitting. What types of permits require 120 days of analysis before they’re granted?

Jeff Cowen

Nearly all of them.

Kathie Julian

Does that include things for defensible space? If you decide you need to remove some trees or something like that?

Jeff Cowen

Tree removal projects are usually processed within 24-48 hours.

Kathie Julian

Okay, great. And then my second question relates to your conversation with Sara.  When you talk about allocations do you mean allocations of permits to do things on houses or something?

Jeff Cowen

Yes, if you have a vacant parcel on which to build or you want to extend a commercial building or have a hotel and want to add accommodation units, each one of those is a development right called an allocation.

We capped growth in the Basin back in the 1970s. Those caps are still in place. We considered the development potential of the Basin—every vacant parcel that was buildable was assigned an allocation. We’ve been metering them out to slow development, to slow the pace of growth because it was out of control in the 50s and 60s. That’s one of the reasons we created the allocation system. We have a pool of about 230 residential allocations per year for the whole region—the whole Basin. And we have a process by which we distribute those every year. 

Kathie Julian

Is that public information—a list of the allocations?

Jeff Cowen

Yes. We submit allocations to counties and they submit to property owners. I think Washoe County and Douglas County are different.

Kathie Julian

Right. If I were to go on the website, where would I see our number of allocations and does it break it down between residential and commercial?

Jeff Cowen

Yes, I’ll get that link to Peter.

Kathie Julian

Okay that would be great. Getting back to what Sara is saying, if residences are being converted to essentially businesses, that doesn’t fall under any allocation system. So in a sense, with the growth of STR we’re experiencing a conversion of residential to business without it being affected by those allocations levels. Right?

Jeff Cowen

Yes, from one perspective. That’s what we’re hearing from the communities that they feel is happening. The argument can be made that that’s right. We have not taken it up yet to say we’re going to change directions on STRs. We’re getting all jurisdictions to have their programs in place, review them, and stay flexible.

Judith Miller – Incline Village Resident

I have two things for Jeff. I have a question. Is there any way to tell if the enormity of requests to TRPA is somehow related to new STR regulations?

Jeff Cowen

No it appears to be just a general increase in interest and investment in the Basin, people moving to the basin. I really don’t know what is going on. There’s something going on with the economy. It’s odd that it’s so strong. You’re hearing that people cannot get enough employees, or to hire for the summer. How are those people getting by? We’re hearing that both California and Nevada have budget surpluses. Who knows what’s going on with all of this? I don’t know.

A lot of jurisdictions have STR restrictions in place. Douglas County has one. They’ve capped permits for STRs. People are coming in and purchasing private property and building residential in most of the jurisdictions. They’re not doing it on speculation of becoming STRs because they can see those restrictions are happening. South Lake Tahoe has a cap now through a ballot initiative the voters adopted. They have caps and have cancelled VHR permits. So SLT is rolling back VHRs. El Dorado has ordinances in place. I’m not sure what they are. Placer County has an ordinance in place to manage STRs trying to increase the use of rental properties for long-term workforce housing. That’s Placer County’s game. So where is the market coming from? I wish I knew.

Judith Miller

The other thing, and you led right into it, is the fact that these other jurisdictions are setting limits—I think El Dorado did or is just about to place a limit on STRs. Douglas has set a percentage of STRs depending on the type of neighborhood. All of those restrictions place more pressure on our community where the STRs are going to be able to increase because of Washoe County’s “free regulation”—we have no limits. So all that pressure is coming right on this community. That’s why I agree with Sara and others that at TRPA we need a basin-wide consistency. Otherwise our community will be overwhelmed.

Kristina Hill

I think the crux of the problem is that STRs are a commercial use. It’s amazing how different they are than a residential unit. So I think we need to approach Washoe County to get STRs classified as a commercial use. They are hotels. These people come into our neighborhoods with their cars and their dogs. They don’t know about the surroundings or the HOA rules or the regulations about cleaning up dog waste. They’re treating it like it’s San Jose. But it’s not. So I think the key to this whole fight to regulate STRs is to get them classified as commercial operations. That’s exactly what they are. It’s purely profit-oriented. People don’t live in them. It’s absolutely a commercial operation. How you can say it isn’t is beyond me. I think we have to start at the County, and get that effort going—maybe with Alexis. Is she on?

Peter Todoroff

No she had another meeting. She has her representative here.

Erin Myers – Washoe County

Yes, that’s me. I will relate all this information to her.

Kristina Hill

Okay, thank you.

Peter Todoroff

I think originally—and Jeff correct me if I’m wrong—according to TRPA code you had to   be a resident on your property to have a STR. That was my understanding back in the early 2000s. Is that how you remember it?

Jeff Cowen

I don’t know. I haven’t heard that before, Peter. There is some institutional knowledge at TRPA with folks who’ve been around longer. I haven’t been there long enough.

Peter Todoroff

I believe that was the original plan. Unless they complied with that, they weren’t allowed to do it. Now things have changed completely. I’d like to hear from the representative for Alexis—any updates from her, because I had a question about the marijuana funds, and I’d like to find out about that.

Steve Dolan – Incline Village Resident, Friends of Third Creek, Leader

This is continuing with Mr. Cowen. You were speaking about allocations and there were questions. I think in the effort for more transparency on the part of TRPA, you may want to mention that TRPA is trying to expand the number of allocations around the Basin with their latest consideration of in-law apartments (Accessory Dwelling Units = ADUs) under the “achievable housing” concept. It says it will increase the potential for workforce housing. But we know that’s not as profitable as STRs. I’d like to know—and you’ll probably say you do not know and need to find out—what is the increase if we’re allowed 2 extra in-law apartments on properties here. What will the allocation increase be when that passes?

Jeff Cowen

I’m trying to respond without saying I don’t know and need to check. Digging into my memory bank on what the Tahoe Living-Working Group is working on. If things are in draft form… because I don’t go to their meetings and read documents because they’re not fundamental and there’s a lot of information….

Steve Dolan

There’s a presentation coming soon. And I know that our Commissioner is aware of it. She represents Washoe County and Washoe County doesn’t give a hoot about little Incline Village because most of the County is not in the Basin. Her interests don’t really represent Incline Village. So I’m curious for you, TRPA, and our Commissioner to give us a report on the impact of that law with regards to additional allocations. If you add two in-law’s to every house in Incline—I’m being absurd here—but that’s huge. It also invites investors to buy more property just for that purpose.

Neil Commerford – Incline Village Resident

A question from the Chat Box to Lieutenant Micelli: Is the 72-hour parking rule being enforced for boats, trailers, RVs, and things along those lines?

Anthony Micelli

Yes. Obviously as we increase our staffing up there, we’ll increase our enforcement of more of those. We’ll be looking at different controls for parking. Are there parking signs? Are there engineering controls we need to look at to help our efforts with the parking problem up there? But yes, the laws and rules that are in place will be enforced to the best of our ability until our staffing gets fully up to speed.

John Crockett – Washoe County Library, Head Librarian

Should folks report issues to the WCSO Non-emergency dispatch number?

Anthony Micelli

That, or we do have our staffing at the Incline substation. As I said, we’re looking at different ways to try to rectify these issues in a more efficient manner. So if there’s a better way of reporting stuff like that, maybe that’s something that we implement and push that out to the community.

Annette – Incline Village Resident

Thanks for holding this forum I think this is a great idea so I’m happy to participate. As I start to get into the depths of STRs, I had a question about owner-occupied STRs and if there are different regulations for that. From what I’ve been reading it’s about $800 for a permit. That seems to be very steep for a noncommercial rather than purchasing a unit specifically for an investment. So if someone could answer if there’s a difference between owner-occupied where I’m renting out a room to someone versus buying a 10-bedroom house and making gobs of money. 

Jeff Cowen

I have no idea. We don’t permit STRs so I really don’t know. I apologize.

Judith Miller

I can’t give you an official answer. I don’t know if Erin is going to jump in. I’ll let you know my unprofessional observations. For Washoe County we asked to have a less restrictive permitting process for people with owner-occupied STRs, but that did not happen. So even to rent a part of your home, you’re required to go through the permit process. What has not happened to my knowledge is that you aren’t required to pay any Transient Lodging Tax (TOT). So the two regulations are not in sync. You may be already aware that as an owner-occupied STR that you are not required to pay TOT even though Airbnb forces you to collect it. If you can show evidence to RSCVA that you are in fact an owner and only renting out a portion of your home, you are exempt from that. If anyone wants to correct that, please jump in.

Sara Schmitz

Annette, you may check into whether your situation is classified as a B&B as opposed to a STR. I believe there are different rules.


And B&B is like a Bed and Breakfast?

Sara Schmitz

Correct, because in a B&B the owner is there.


And where would I find … I’m trying to piece all of this together.

Peter Todoroff

From the County you should be able to find it.

Judy Miller

The County defines a B&B as one where you serve meals. Then you have to go through a Special Use Permit. So you don’t really want to be a B&B if you’re not actually operating that way.


I give them oatmeal.

Judy Miller

There you go—no food. No meals.

Kathie Julian

Wasn’t there some accommodation for people who might have financial need in this law?  

Sara Schmitz

We requested a different rule for STRs that are owner-occupied but it didn’t get included. So Annette may need to have a discussion with our County Commissioner.


What’s the name of our Commissioner?

Sara Schmitz

Alexis Hill

Peter Todoroff

Do you have my email? I can send you her contact information.


I don’t have your email.

Sara Schmitz

Alexis…. all of the County Commissioners… it’s their first initial, last name, and washoecounty.us. So it’s ahill@washoecounty.us.

Ronda Tycer

I’d like to ask Annette her last name.



Ronda Tycer

It goes into the recap.

Peter Todoroff

The minutes of the meeting.

John Crockett

Can she politely decline?


I’ll politely decline.

Ronda Tycer

She can go to washoecounty.us/str for all the rules on STRs.


I’ve been digging through that but it’s overwhelming… I’m not a business. I’m just trying to follow the rules but also it might be too big of a … we’ll see. Thank you.

Erin Myers

I just want to add that I’ll touch bases with Alexis and we’ll talk to our folks here in the Community Service Department. They should be able to explain some of the rights a little more in depth for you. So we will follow up with that.

Peter Todoroff

Erin Myers who is a representative for Alexis Hill. So she’ll contact her and take it from there.

Erin Myers

I don’t know if you’re comfortable providing me with your emails so we can get back to you.


Yes I’m messaging it to you right now.

Erin Myers

Okay perfect.

Anthony Micelli

I have another engagement coming up at 10. I don’t mean to cut short but before I left I wanted to make sure nobody had any other questions for me. If somebody thinks of something after I leave, you have my email address. Everybody will know how to get hold of me.

Peter Todoroff

You’ll be getting the minutes of the meeting. You’ll also be getting notices of the meetings every time because I’ve put you on the mailing list.

Anthony Micelli

Perfect. [Thanks for being here.] Absolutely. You can expect the Sheriff’s Office participation.

Ryan Sommers

If you could check your email, I’d appreciate it.

Anthony Micelli

Perfect. Thanks Ryan. Have a good day, all.

Ronda Tycer

I just wanted to provide more information to Annette about the washoecounty.us/strs website, but she said she’s already wading through it. I just wanted to help her out with that.

Doug Flaherty – Incline Village Resident

I have a question for Erin. How do we as residents get a list—and I’m not interested in names—how do we get a list of the properties that have applied for a STR permit?

Erin Myers

That’s an excellent question. I’ll have to get back to you or have somebody in Community Services. I’m not sure exactly how the process works and how that would be disseminated.  Do you want to give me your email so I can follow up on that?

Doug Flaherty

Sure. It’s Tahoeblue365@gmail.com.

Erin Myers

I’m making an assumption, but I’m wondering if that list would be available after they’re actually permitted. I don’t know if you’d be able to know who’s applied for a permit or how that would work. But I’ll follow up on that. You just want to know who’s applied or who’s permitted?

Doug Flaherty

I want the addresses of those who have applied for an STR permit. Again, I’m not interested in the names just the locations.

Erin Myers

I’ll find out how that will work.

Doug Flaherty

And one other thing as a community member, this is the second meeting to which Alexis has sent a representative with absolutely no update whatsoever about all the things that are happening around us. It’s just unacceptable. At least if she’s going to send someone to a meeting like this, she should provide you with an update of what’s happening in the community.

Erin Myers

I’ll let her know.

Doug Flaherty

Thank you.

Peter Todoroff

I have to agree with that as well because I was to get information on where the marijuana funds are going. This is part of representing the community—to keep everyone updated on what’s going on. Like Doug said, this is the second meeting to which she’s sent someone and we still have no answers to the questions we’ve asked.

Kristina Hill

Erin, do you know the name of the Washoe County Planner who is overseeing the STR process?

Erin Myers

I apologize, I don’t. I know Mojra—if you attended the WC Commissioner meetings— she’s the lead at the Community Services Department. [Peter Todoroff—She’s the head Planner.] I think she and Dave Solaro are in charge. That’s who I’m going to as my point of contact for this information. I know that a lot of it is in process because they’re still finalizing all of the permitting and all the information. So again I’ll find out some of those answers for you and send an email of who the lead would be.

Kathie Julian

Just a couple of things. Erin it would be great if any information you get is circulated to the entire community. I guess the best way to do that is to send it to Peter for circulation through his network.

In defense of Alexis she has been to a large number of these meetings—far more than Marsha and she does send somebody in her place if she doesn’t come. So I think that’s to her credit. Erin, it would be great if you had a packaged update for us if you come instead of Alexis in the future because that would certainly help. Thank you.

Ryan Sommers

Earlier Mr. Townsend asked about 930 Tahoe Boulevard and boat storage. That’s Raley’s. I haven’t seen any boat storage there, but I have seen a couple of boats at 948 Tahoe Boulevard. So I’d like the record to show that if we have an issue, we get the address right first. Second, we’re very concerned if that becomes a boat storage place as well, because that’s a lot of logistical fire hazard. So I’ll work with Jeff and my Fire Marshall and we’ll get some answers now that I’ve figured out the correct address. Bruce—if you’re still on—it should be the lot next to Northwood where the creek comes down.

Bruce Townsend

That is correct. It’s the old Incline Realty building…

Ryan Sommers

Yes where Margaret used to work.

Bruce Townsend

Sorry about the address.

Ryan Sommers

That’s okay.


I have a request for the folks who are attending this meeting at an official capacity to also include your name and the organization that you’re representing. It’s easier for the public to have an understanding of who’s speaking and who they’re representing.

Peter Todoroff

I can tell you who I am. I am the person who was chosen to have this meeting because we had no voice with the government. My name is Pete Todoroff. My email address is:

ptodoroff1@sbcglobal.net. I’ve been a resident of Incline Village for 41 years.

Ronda Tycer is my right-hand person and she does the minutes. So if you want to get on my mailing list, and keep up with what’s going on in the community, you should send me your email. I will keep it private. I have over 200 people on the list and it’s hidden because some people don’t want others to know they’re on there, and they just want to keep track when they go on vacation in the summer time or if in the winter time they don’t stay in the area. Ronda Tycer does the minutes and does a very good job.  So no matter where you are, you’ll have a copy of the minutes and also have a video of the meeting. We used to meet at the library, but because of COVID we’ve been on zoom. But like John said, we can do both. If you want to be on the mailing list, feel free to send me your address and I’ll send you the minutes.

John Crockett is the head Librarian who has been up here a number of years. He’s the one that handles the administration of the Incline Community Center.

John Crockett

It’s a Washoe County building that is managed by Washoe County Human Services. The Library does meeting room facilitation and reservations. They can go to the County website to find the meeting room link. I can also post that to the Chat Box.

Peter Todoroff

Jeff Cowen is representing TRPA and Alexis Hill is our Washoe County Commissioner. Kristina Hill has been a planner up here for many years.

Sara Schmitz

I attend these meetings as a private citizen. Yes, I’m an IVGID Trustee, but I am not here representing the Board in any capacity. I’m here as a private citizen.

Peter Todoroff

And Judy Simon and Judy Miller are members of the Citizen Advisory Board that represents the committee to the County.

Kathie Julian

And Denise Davis and myself. Judith Miller resigned. But again we’re not representing the CAB, we’re just speaking as individuals here.

Peter Todoroff

Chief Ryan Sommers is our Fire Chief in Incline Village and has been here since he was born here and raised here. I knew him when he was in high school.

Judy Simon

I don’t know if Chris Wood is still on but he and I are actually alternates to the CAB at this point.

Peter Todoroff

So Annette that’s as much as I know. If you have any other questions, I’ll do my best to answer. If there’s nothing else, I thank everyone for coming. We hope to hear some updates from the Commissioner in 2 weeks. See you then.





Bruce Townsend

Chris Wood

David & Judy Simon

Debbie Nicholas

Denise Davis

Doug Flaherty

Erin Myers for Alexis Hill

Heather Lunsford


Jack Dalton

Jeff Cowen

Joe Farrell

John Crockett

Judy Miller

Kari Ferguson – IVGID

Kathie Julian

Kristina Hill

Louise Cooper

Lt. Anthony Macelli

Neil Commerford

Pam Straley

Pete Todoroff

Ronda Tycer

Ryan Sommers

Sara Schmitz

Sherry’s iPhone

Steve Dolan

Svata Trossen


09:37:32          From  Neil Commerford : Could someone please ask the Lt. Micelli if the 72 hr rule is going to be enforced . I have an audio problem.

09:38:08          From  Washoe County Libraries : Yes Neil, we’ll get that asked.  Kristina next, then Steve Dolan, then we’ll get to your question.

09:40:22          From  kathie julian : Jeff, can we see an accounting of the number of requests for residential and commercial permits on the TRPA website?

09:40:23          From  Annette : I have a question about the STR regulation for owner -occupied units.

09:41:39          From  Jeff Cowen – TRPA : Kathie Julian I have noted your request and will work on that.

09:45:36          From  kathie julian : Will the in-law apt allocation be allocated to long term housing only, or can they be used for STRs?

09:46:25          From  Jeff Cowen – TRPA : Kathie Julian, I know the answer to this one! No, accessory dwelling units cannot be used for short term rentals.

09:47:59          From  kathie julian : Sheriff Dept=== Please keep eye on Fairview Blvd near 1st Green for boat and camper parking….

09:48:29          From  Jeff Cowen – TRPA : Mr. Dolan, Here is what I will follow up on, will ADUs come from a different pool of allocations? Are those allocation units of use beyond the original development potential of the basin?

09:58:11          From  kathie julian : Erin, suggest that info go to the community as a whole, not just Doug.

09:59:01          From  Sara Schmitz : I agree, Kathie,

10:05:34          From  Annette : Thank you for that update and intros. And for everyone attending and participating.

WASHOE COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE REPORT:  No updates available since April 25.

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