IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

June 8, 2022

The Board approved the consent calendar items with a 4-0 vote (Trustee Wong was absent). This included a contract for the replacement of the carpet flooring at Snowflake Lodge, the child ski center and the Diamond Peak Ski Lodge; approval of the addendum extending the Memorandum of Understanding for the Clean Tahoe Multi-Jurisdictional Program through the June 30, 2023; and the sale of coverage for the use by the Incline Village Community Hospital allowing for the expansion of their parking.

General Business item #1 was approved with a 4-0 vote (Trustee Wong was absent). The Board of Trustees agreed with staff’s recommendation to move forward with a concrete tank instead of lining what is referred to as Pond #1 at the Waste Water facility. NDEP required the pond to be decommissioned years ago and brought into compliance. This action is a step forward in compliance with NDEP.

General Business item #2 was the General Manager’s annual performance review. Dr. Bill Mathis completed each Trustee’s review and presented at the meeting. The Board voted 4-0, with Trustee Schmitz abstaining in objection to the process, to rate the General Manager with an Outstanding rating. The Board voted 4-0, with Trustee Schmitz abstaining, to award a 3% salary increase, in addition to the General Manager’s cost of living increase of over 9%.

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