IVGID Meeting Synopsis

November 8, 2023

Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees

Matthew Dent, Chairman

Sara Schmitz, Vice Chair

Raymond Tulloch, Treasurer

Michaela Tonking

Dave Noble




At the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees meeting on November 8th, the Board heard a variety of comments regarding the NV Energy helicopter operations at Diamond Peak, the proposed donation of an Ice Rink from the Incline Ice Foundation and other matters.
Changes to the Agenda      
Item G.5. – to possibly adopt revised Board Policy 23.1.0 has been differed to a later meeting;
Item G.8. – Donation of Ice Rink by Incline Ice Foundation, to be removed from the agenda and placed on the Long Range Calendar;
Item F.2. – Agreement with the Hyatt Corporation, Amendment 6 – to be moved to General Business as Item 1. 
  Director of Parks and Recreation, Sheila Leijon, recognized Steven Phillips for 33 years of service and dedication to IVGID Community.   She went on to provide an update to the Board on various parks and recreation projects and upcoming maintenance needs, such as the replacement of the Recreation Center pool diving board, the dog park survey, the return of the water safety program for the Incline Elementary children, and kayak and paddle board storage due to TRPA permitting requirements.

Director Leijon also touched on the following upcoming projects:  HVAC system be completed in 2024, the RFQ to go to the Capital Investment Committee this month. Exterior patching and painting is an ongoing project. Interior and exterior door hardware and mechanisms will be a CIP project, replacing the windows that have broken seals. The trustees showed concern, hearing a shopping list of projects all coming to the Board separately, and suggested that there be a comprehensive list and integrated plan to include all of the maintenance projects slated for the 2024 budget to be brought back to the board for approval. 

Director Leijon will return to the Board on the December 13th meeting to provide the Beach Season wrap-up and will provide recommended changes to Ordinance 7 in January 2024.  
  Interim General Manager, Mike Bandelin, provided the monthly status report and, and gave a brief update to the board regarding Venue Status report, external entity involvement, and the public record request log. Trustee Schmitz requested that the report include Marketing, Food and Beverage, Facilities and Events, and Information Technology departments.   
  The Trustees approved the sixth amendment to the agreement with Hyatt Corporation edits from legal counsel, extending through May 31, 2024 at a lease payment structure of 10% of gross sales each calendar month throughout the term of the lease, with an expected discontinuation of the lease at the end of 2024. Diamond Peak lift tickets, lessons and rental equipment will be available at the Hyatt location.  
  The Townhall questions are to be continued to the December 13th meeting.  
  The Board of Trustees directed the Interim General Manager Bandelin and District Counsel to negotiate an amendment to the NV Energy agreement to remove the helicopter operations from the Diamond Peak parking area, and that the matter return to the Board for a status update on negotiations at the December Board meeting.  
  The Board unanimously approved the award of a contract with RubinBrown, LLP for Forensic Due Diligence Auditing Services; and the Board will receive updates on the progress and the scope of work.  
  Mt. Golf Cart Path Restoration Project, Phase II will return to the Board at a later date with the following information to be provided by the Interim Public Works Director Kate Nelson: a clear breakdown of only Phase II, the approved budget, what has been spent to date, what work is remaining, what is needed to complete the project.  
  The Board unanimously approved an equipment purchase agreement for the 14 passenger Diamon Peak Shuttle Van in the amount of $141,767.  
BOARD OF TRUSTEE UPDATES       Reported by Trustee Tulloch regarding matters related to Incline Village General Improvement District business and include reviewing the Effluent Pipeline Guaranteed Maximum  Price (GMP) 2 Proposal and discussing possible alternatives to the contract, with a proposal returning to the Board on December 13th;  and scheduling a Capital investment Committee Meeting.

Reported by Trustee Tonking regarding matters related to the Golf Advisory meeting; Parks and Recreations Tennis Committee Meeting, the Dog Park committee to bring back the survey.

Reported by Trustee Schmitz regarding matters related to Washoe County Planning Commission meeting where they approved the amendment to allow elementary through secondary schools to operate at St. Francis and at Village Church. They have also amended the zoning for the town center, which will have an impact on our village and recreation venues.    

The meeting Adjourned at 9:23 p.m.

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