IVGID Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights

November 9, 2022

Mr. William Chastain made a presentation describing a possible lease of IVGID property to build a geothermal energy plant. A follow up presentation has been scheduled for the December board meeting.

Two members of the GM’s Dog Park Advisory Committee summarized the committee’s work to date and future objectives. Six potential sites, including the Village Green, are currently under consideration. Public outreach will occur before the committee submits its final report to the Board.

Finance Director, Paul Navazio, provided 1st Quarter financial reports and noted that a number of budget adjustments/amendments will be forthcoming in both Community Services and Utility Funds.

Public Works Director, Brad Underwood, reported on the Effluent Pipeline and Effluent Storage Tank Projects. The cost estimate for the storage tank project has remained fairly stable, however the estimate for the effluent pipeline increased by over 45% from the March figure. The new estimate is now $66.4M. An Independent Cost Estimator (ICE) has been hired to provide more accurate cost estimates. Funding will be discussed in more detail in December, including the resolution/letter of intent required by the State Revolving Loan Fund. Staff is working on cost savings efforts. Trustee Dent suggested a low bid process, rather than the CMAR approach. NDOT is being notified of the need/desire for road closures on Highway 28 from Sunday evening to Friday morning during months of May, June, September (after Labor Day) and early October.

Director of Parks and Recreation, Shelia Leijon, gave a Beach Operations Summary. Beach visits were higher, however the numbers were for a longer than usual operating period (185 days in 2022). Charts showing just July and August had totals visits fairly close to those in 2019 (the last “normal” year). In 2022 the number of Picture Pass holder visits (147,271) had increased significantly over 2019 (108,174). The number of cash/credit card visits were half those of the 2019. The Vermont System does not track visits by parcel, only by pass. Staff prepared some suggested revisions to Ordinance 7 language. These changes, together with others provided by the Ordinance 7 committee, will be considered at a future Board meeting.

Director of Finance Navazio provided proposed Board policy consolidation related to Capital Planning, Budgeting and Reporting, including a recommendation to form a Board appointed Capital Projects Advisory Committee. Board members will provide suggested edits to Mr. Navazio for discussion at a future meeting.

Of note on the long range calendar is a presentation by Chief Ryan Somers, NLTFPD on possible use of Burnt Cedar Beach for a public safety pier. The item, originally listed for December 14, may be deferred until January.

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