TRPA Proposing More Height, Density and Less Coverage

February 1, 2023

TRPA, in their Tahoe Area Plan, has already increased allowable height, density and reduced coverage in the Town Center zoned areas around the basin. Washoe County, earlier this month, approved an amendment to their Tahoe Area Plan for the Incline Village Town Center Special Area 1 zoning to allow high-end condominium developers to benefit from these changes, changes that were intended to encourage affordable housing. The Incline Village zoning amendment will begin moving through the TRPA Tahoe Area Plan revision process in the upcoming weeks. The announcement below, regarding more proposed changes to height, density and coverage, is from TRPA with again more being proposed under the guise of affordable housing. Please read the below “blurbs” from TRPA, then write and share your thoughts with Commissioner Hill and the TRPA Governing Board.

Height, Density, and Coverage Code Amendments Moving Forward
TRPA is revising regional height, density and coverage standards with a goal of making housing more affordable for local residents. The Tahoe Living Working Group will provide input on these code amendments in April. The public is encouraged to attend and participate in the meeting. 

The meeting will be from 9 am to noon on Friday, April 21, 2023 at the TRPA offices at 128 Market Street, Stateline, NV, with a hybrid virtual option. Meeting materials are posted a minimum of one week prior to the meeting on the Tahoe Living webpage
“Achievable” Definition Updates and Development Rights 101 
On February 22, 2023 TRPA will hold an informational hearing with its Regional Plan Implementation Committee on updates to the definition of “achievable” housing to include a local-employment component. In 2022, the Tahoe Living Working Group and Local Government and Housing Committee recommended advancing these updates for approval to the Governing Board. TRPA will also hold a short “Development Rights 101” workshop for the board to explain how different types of housing receive development rights under TRPA’s growth management system, and the incentives and disincentives embedded in the current system. 

Materials will be posted one week prior to the meeting on TRPA’s webpage
Housing Milestones in 2022 
TRPA’s focus in 2022 was on Phase 2 of the Tahoe Living Housing and Community Revitalization Strategic Initiative — financial feasibility for deed-restricted multi-family development and accessory dwelling units. See below for TRPA’s progress on this phase, as well as other housing support:  Accessory Dwelling Units. Issued 17 permits for accessory dwelling units in 2022.  Homeowner Tools. Launched the Tahoe ADU Calculator Tool to help homeowners calculate the potential costs and return on investment associated with building an ADU in Tahoe. Moveable Tiny Homes. Removed a major permitting hurdle for moveable tiny homes. Tackled the misuse of deed-restricted housing.  Launched a comprehensive outreach program to owners of 95 legacy deed-restricted units in the Incline Village area to bring them into the annual monitoring and compliance program, which was created in 2018. Developed and analyzed amendments to TRPA’s height, density, and coverage standards to make construction of multi-family housing and ADUs more competitive with second homes and luxury residences. These amendments will be coming forward to the Tahoe Living Working Group in April (see above).   Applied for over $3 million in grant funding to better integrate equity, housing choice and affordability, and environmental benefits into TRPA’s Regional Plan. 

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