CAB Meeting – TTD & TRPA Plans for IV Beaches

November 1, 2023

The Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) is meeting on Thursday evening at 5:30. Carl Hasty, District Manager of the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD), is expected to provide an update and information on the proposed Incline Village Mobility Hub, including a discussion of the TTD’s plans for public engagement and site selection process. You may recall, the TTD Board dissolved the Incline Village Mobility Hub committee (to read the post covering the meeting, click here). To access the full agenda with ways to provide public comment, click here.

While our community has been focused on concerns surrounding the location of a proposed mobility hub, important to note was a comment made at Conversation Cafe by Washoe County Commissioner Alexis Hill. During her presentation, she referenced ‘multi-modal transportation’ including a water taxi planned for Incline Village. Sara Schmitz, President of Incline Village Crystal Bay Community 1st, has been working for years to educate TRPA and TTD on our deed restricted beaches. According to Schmitz, when attempting to explain to TRPA they could not have a water taxi location at any of the Incline Village community owned beaches, TRPA stated they would “work with the HOA to make accommodations for the water taxi.” According to Schmitz, she went on to explain to TRPA the beaches are not part of an HOA, but are deed restricted for parcel owners and their guests only. It appears the message has not been received and the water taxi ferry shuttle dock remains in TRPA and TTD’s regional transportation plans. What exactly are their plans for our beaches? They have our beaches clearly marked on their maps, as if they are public beaches.

To read the chapter covering the plan of TRPA’s transportation plan adopted in 2021, click here. The pages with the diagrams of the water taxi route and the plans for expansion plans for muti-use paths may be found here.

Please take time to review the materials and provide your comments to the CAB ( and Commissioner Hill (, Chair of TTD and TRPA Boards.

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