Pilot – New Tool for Viewing Road Construction Projects

June 30, 2022

A little something fun for the Incline Village Crystal Bay Community. A group of employees are piloting a process to create an online map for residents to view construction projects by season. The team piloted the project in the Incline Village Crystal Bay community. Through this link https://gis.washoecounty.us/wrms/quick/roadprojects residents can see proposed projects for this construction season that may affect traffic. By selecting the blue pink line, additional information about the project will be displayed. This is a pilot and in the future we will scale it for the County; however, it is a good start and thought the CAB may appreciate it. In addition, we created a general “Traffic and Roads” page series that includes links to the Incline Village Crystal Bay Transportation Plan, link to submit a road concern and a Road Construction page. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you and more service improvements to come!

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