CAB Meeting Highlights – Boulder Bay and STRs

February 7, 2022

Tom Jacobson of EKN Development Group gave a presentation on the Boulder Bay/Resort At Tahoe and Residences Project.

He stated the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) Plan approved in 2011 included the development of a total of 334 units with 59 resident condos and 275 hotel rooms. (While researching, we believe we located the 2011 TRPA plan found here. There appears to be some discrepancies on the number and type of units. There may be other differences, so feel free to research for yourself.) As of the meeting, they are anticipating developing fewer units than approved. 18 units have already been built and are referred to as Granite Place. The historical timeline was revealed as indicated below:

2011 TRPA approved the development plan under their Community Enhancement Program Criteria (CEPC)

2018 Phase 1 was completed with 18 units at Granite Place

September 2021 EKN purchased the Biltmore property of approximately 11 acres

December 2021 EKN purchased Beesley Cottages in Placer County to be used as a Beach Club associated with the Resort

April 2022 Anticipated abatement, demolition of existing structures and abandonment of Wassou Road between Stateline and Reservoir Road

May 2022 Anticipated grading and road construction to begin

June – July 2022 Anticipated building of connector roads requiring significant grading, soil nailing, and begin movement of utilities

July – August 2022 After the connector roads are approved by Washoe County, additional sections of Reservoir and Wassou roads will be abandoned

Q4 2022 Anticipated beginning of construction

Q4 2025 Anticipated Resort opening

Their plan is anticipated to address current issues related to runoff of untreated water, steep downhill slopes, erosion, and narrow roadways. They are planning for the construction of emergency access. They will be applying recommendations from the updated traffic study to be conducted some time this year.

They are intending to conduct monthly community meetings with the first meeting anticipated in mid-March. The date, time and location have yet to be determined.

Their website is the best place to find information and to ask questions.             

District 1 Commissioner Alexis Hill gave a brief update on three topics of importance:

  1.  Short Term Rental Ordinance Amendments:  The County Board of Commissioners gave directions to Staff with respect to an Ordinance amending the current Short Term Rental (“STR”) Ordinance:  (a) The calculation of maximum occupancy will be changed from the current occupancy calculation which has disadvantaged smaller STRs, so that the new calculation method with be 2 persons per bedroom plus 1 person per 200 square feet of livable space; (b) The direction was given to work on technological improvements for the STR program; and (c) Additional fees would be deferred while more data is calculated.  The schedule is (d) the amendments will go to the Planning Commission on March 1st, 2022; (e) there will be a first reading of the Ordinance at the Board of Commissioners meeting on March 22nd; (f) there will be a second reading of the Ordinance at the Board of Commissioners meeting on April 12th; and it will be adopted in May.
  2. Affordable Housing.  Commissioner Hill commissioned an Affordable Housing Study with the Tahoe Prosperity Center, which can be found on the CAB website at its November 1st, 2021 meeting.  The Board of County Commissioners had a Strategic Workshop and workforce housing was identified as an important topic for the upcoming year.  Commissioner Hill has asked for funding to help the County hire a consultant to work on an action plan, and she is hopeful that that will be part of the budget to be adopted in May.  One of the CAB members commented that it’s her understanding that the County itself is focusing on homelessness, and that the City of Reno is focusing on the affordable housing issues, and hopefully a budget for this consultant will be included in the 2022-2023 budget.
  3. Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs).  Commissioner Hills explained that ADUs have been a conversation with TRPA.  Smaller ADUs are mandated by state law in California, but not in Nevada, so TRPA has left the decisions on ADUs in Washoe County to Washoe County.  Currently in Washoe County, ADUs are allowed on parcels of more than 1 acre, and the question is whether they will be allowed on smaller parcels.  Commissioner Hill is concerned that if ADUs are allowed on parcels under 1 acre there could be more STRs, even if an STR use is a prohibited use in ADUs.  She noted that currently there are unregulated unregistered ADUs and she wants to regulate existing STRs.  While she thinks ADUs could be good for workforce housing, that cannot be mandated in Nevada.  There are ways to give incentives and that can be looked into by the consultant.  One of the CAB members commented that if ADUs are desired by the other County Commissioners she hoped that Commissioner Hill would work for a separate rule for Incline Village/Crystal Bay, since the County’s attorney has said in the past that that is possible.

Marc De La Tore gave a presentation of the new Washoe County Leadership Academy.  The program begins in 2022 and will meet 1 day per month on Fridays. The purpose of the program is to educate attendees on County government, to inspire leadership for appointment to County and governmental boards and bodies, and to build relationships between the County and its citizens for a sounder community.  The County hopes that individuals from all Districts in the County will apply to the program.   The presentation on the Washoe County Leadership Academy can be found here.

CAB Member Judy Simon discussed that the Tahoe Keys Lagoon Aquatic Weed Control Methods Test had been approved by TRPA and will be going forward.  She has not heard if the indemnity for IVGID was finally included. The presentation by Madonna Dunbar’s at the December 6th CAB meeting may be found here. Dunbar also presented a request to indemnity of IVGID at the TRPA meeting where the herbicide use was approved. Her letter may be found here.

CAB Chair Diane Becker discussed that there had recently been an abandonment of a portion of public lake access in Incline Village and Crystal Bay. There was no public notice other than publication in a list of development matters. She asked that abandonments of lake access parcels by the County come before the CAB or have some other more public notification and input.

The CAB meeting recording my be accessed here.

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