TTD Meeting – Revenue (TAX) Options

January 3, 2022

The January 5th, 3pm meeting agenda includes an important discussion and a possible decision on next steps of a Revenue Proposal addressing the local and private share of a Regional Partnership Effort to raise a minimum $20 Million per Year for transportation improvements and transit services related to Tahoe’s Regional Transportation Plan. The draft plan may be found by clicking here.

They evaluated various ways to tax and charge both residents and visitors to fund the program. Page 13 of the draft plan (page 17 of the .pdf) contains a table showing what taxes/fees are proposed for various jurisdictions around the basin. Many of the proposed taxes/fees are basin wide, however for Washoe County there is an additional proposed local and regional real estate transfer tax and transient occupancy tax changes. Take a moment to review and provide your comments either at the meeting for by email. Below are the instructions for providing your input:

The Tahoe Transportation District/Commission Board meeting will be physically open to the public at Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Stateline, NV 89449 and in accordance with California and Nevada law, Board members may be teleconferencing into the meeting via GoToWebinar. This meeting will be held in accordance with requirements under Government Code section 54953(e) as enacted by California AB-361 and a determination of the Board of Directors to waive certain requirements regarding teleconferencing. Members of the public may observe the meeting and submit comments in person at the above location or via GoToWebinar. Consistent with the latest CDC guidance and the emergency directive issued by the Governor of Nevada, masks are required for all individuals in indoor public settings.

To register for the TTD/C Board Meeting go to:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Members of the public may also provide public comment by sending comments to the Clerk to the Board by email at Please note which agenda item the comment pertains to. Comments will be distributed at the Board meeting and attached to the minutes of the meeting. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately three minutes of speaking time. Comments for each agenda item should be submitted prior to the close of that agenda item.

Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email or call Judi Allen who will use her best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to provide as much accessibility as possible, while also maintaining public safety in accordance with TTD’s procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. All reasonable accommodations offered will be listed on the TTD website at

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