Article on the Direction of Tahoe

Tahoe used to have two tourist seasons: winter and summer. In spring and fall, the area would generally mellow out, allowing communities much-needed respite from the hectic existence that comes with millions of visitors packing its small mountain towns half of the...

IV/CB Community Forum Minutes

Kari Ferguson – Incline Village General Improvement District Communication Coordinator Hi Denise, and everyone. Happy Friday! I’m going to be sharing a link in the Chat Box to the Outdoor Nevada Trout Spawning video that Steve Dolan brought to our attention. We’re...

Update On Property Tax Repayment

During the past month nearly 200 more refund claims have been submitted to Washoe County, bringing the grand total claim count to 5,438.  Approximately 2,900 claims have been paid to date.  At the current refund processing rate the county will require all of...

Information on Running for IVGID Trustee

Below is a link to a presentation that will be part of Monday’s Incline Village Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) meeting. Candidate filing dates are from March 7th through March 18th. The CAB meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 7th at 5:30 pm via...

IVGID BOT Meeting Highlights

The IVGID Board of Trustees met virtually on March 1, 2022. Director of Finance Paul Navazio updated the Trustees on financials for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2021/22. (Detail is available in the board packet materials. The Livestream time stamp is 32:50.) As...