Consultant Hired for Mobility Study

February 23, 2022

At the February 22nd, 2022 Washoe County Board of County Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Alexis Hill gave a verbal update regarding the mobility study she previously requested be part of the Tahoe Area Plan. She reported the county has selected Parametrix as the consultant, and Amy Cummings will be the Parametrix lead.  

Per the Parametrix website, Amy Cummings joined the firm in October 2021. Her previous position was Deputy Executive Director/Director of Planning for the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County (RTC). More info regarding Ms. Cummings’ background can found at

Commissioner Hill listed traffic issues, parking issues and multi-modal concerns in Crystal Bay and Incline Village as the focus of the study. She asked the communities to “keep an eye out for opportunities to get involved and engaged in the process”. 

The February 22, 2022, meeting can be found at 

Alexis Hill comments begin at time stamp 5:00:20. 


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