Agenda Item 28 – Short Term Rentals The Tahoe Daily Tribune wrote a summary article on the Short Term Rental agenda item.  Click here to view the article. In the LiveStream video, the presentation begins at 1:50 (1 hour 50 minutes) with public comments beginning...

IVGID Meeting Highlights November 22nd, 2019

The Tahoe Daily Tribune did a nice job writing the highlights of the November 13th meeting.  Click here to view the Tahoe Daily Tribune article.  (They did have a couple of facts incorrect.  They stated Trustees Wong and Callicrate missed the last 2 meetings.  While...

IVGID Meeting Highlights

he agenda topics we highlighted for the October 30th Board of Trustees meeting were removed from that agenda and are included as part of the November 13th meeting. The Board will hold a public hearing on the District’s plans to enter into a minimum $121,605.12 medium...


Comment Before December 9th Public comment on the proposal can be provided here. The National Forest Service is proposing expansions of winter recreation and “Over Snow Vehicles” (OSV) use on Forest Service land at the perimeter of Incline Village. ...