Public comment on the proposal is requested prior to November 19 and can be provided here.
The National Forest Service is proposing expansions of winter recreation and “Over Snow Vehicles” (OSV) use on Forest Service land at the perimeter of Incline Village. OSVs are proposed to be allowed at the edges of Upper Apollo, Upper Jennifer, Tyrolian Village, Diamond Peak, as well as Incline Lake. The proposed map for expanded snowmobile and over the snow use can be found here.  The proposed expansion of use was drafted without resident, TRPA, County, or IVGID involvement. The documents can be found here for your review. Â
The scope of this project comprises areas within our administrative (Forest) boundary located on NFS lands but not within a state or county right-of-way (i.e. along county roads or State highways). Using an Environmental Assessment (EA) and appropriate minimization criteria, we are proposing to:
- Designate routes and areas open to OSV use;
- Designate areas suitable for groomed trails for OSV and non-motorized use;
- Designate areas suitable for groomed trails for non-motorized use only;
- Construct additional winter parking capacity;
- Designate locations suitable for snow play areas;
- Designate suitable plowing areas;
- Identify changes to the opening and closing dates and seasonal designations of roads; and,
- Amend our Forest Plan to reflect the changes listed above, where applicable.
A local resident has submitted the following comments regarding the proposal.  This is being shared to provoke thought, not to state an opinion by IV/CB Community 1st.  Here are his comments.
OPINION: Sara Schmitz will be submitting comments and concerns related to trash and litter being brought further into the wilderness. This trash creates more concerns of plastic and trash infiltration into Lake Tahoe. This is becoming an ongoing issue with the quality of water in the lake deteriorating.