The Washoe County Board of Commissioners is expected to provide direction to staff related to the proposed regulations for Short Term Rentals at the November 12th meeting. Following that, staff will update the proposed language and make it available for a 21-day public comment period. Once that period ends, the official public hearing process will begin, with hearings by both the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners expected prior to adoption. To view more information on the proposed regulations, click here.
A small committee of Incline Village/Crystal Bay residents have been reviewing and analyzing the many documents, investigating, and attending the TRPA Short Term Rental Working Group, TRPA Advisory Planning Commission, and the TRPA Governing Board meetings. Their focus has been on ensuring the Short Term Rental Neighborhood Compatibility Guidelines created by TRPA are consistent with TRPA’s charter and mission. TRPA approved the Guidelines which require all basin jurisdictions to comply or risk having their housing allocations reduced. Since Washoe County doesn’t need additional housing allocations, it’s unclear as to how TRPA will enforce the guidelines in Washoe County.  Click here to view the TRPA Neighborhood Compatibility Guidelines.
In addition, our residents have been attending Washoe County Board of Commissioners and Planning Commission meetings. The main focus has been on asserting that the County building code contains different definitions and requirements of commercial activities as compared to residential activities. A commercial hotel has more rigorous health and safety requirements than a residential home. Short Term Rentals are defined as a commercial activity with the less stringent residential health and safety codes.
Most residential neighborhoods in Incline Village have recorded Declaration of Restrictions, which are legal contracts attached to each property. These contracts are made available for review by every real estate buyer during the purchase process. They contain a restriction on business use of the property. Legal counsel has reviewed and determined they are enforceable. Today, Bed and Breakfast type of use is allowed through the issuance of a special use permit which involves a public hearing. Click here to view a few neighborhood Declaration of Restriction documents.
To learn more about this committee or be added to their email list, drop them an email at