Washoe County Sheriff Office Crime Report

The Washoe County Sheriff Office is tracking crime statistics each quarter. The crime report may be accessed using the link provided below. If a burglary has occurred in your neighborhood, the WCSO is placing flyers on doors to alert neighbors to be extra vigilant....

Washoe County Sheriff Office – Patrolling E-Bikes

The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office recently purchased six Recon E-Bikes which will be utilized in the Incline Village area beginning in the Spring of 2024.  Of the six, two will be assigned to the Incline High School Resource Deputies and four will be assigned to...

WC Planning Commission Approves Zoning Change

At their meeting on November 7th, the Washoe County Planning Commission approved the zoning amendment to the Wood Creek regulatory zone to allow “Schools – Kindergarten through Secondary” as an acceptable type of permitted use, subject to a special...

IV/CB CAB Meeting Highlights

The November 2nd Incline Village/Crystal Bay Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) heard the presentation of Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) Manager Carl Hasty on the proposed Incline Village Mobility Hub.  The library was filled with 42 people with 20 additional people...